CF46 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CF46 5 is a postcode sector in Merthyr Tydfil, UK. Below is a complete list of CF46 5 Postcodes (Active). CF46 5 postcode sector comprises of 150 active postcodes. CF46 5 sector has a population of 6367, and it has 2553 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CF46 5 postcode sector

CF46 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6367
Addresses / Property Count 2553
Active Postcodes 150
Nearby Postcode Districts 45
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of CF46 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 150 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CF46 5NF 51.66296800 -3.31913500 6 11 308858 196845
CF46 5NG 51.66152300 -3.31809600 32 91 308927 196683
CF46 5NH 51.66239000 -3.32095500 15 38 308731 196783
CF46 5NJ 51.66080800 -3.32293100 35 88 308591 196610
CF46 5NL 51.66299300 -3.31850000 17 43 308902 196847
CF46 5NN 51.66221800 -3.32028500 17 43 308777 196763
CF46 5NP 51.66101800 -3.32065500 38 107 308749 196630
CF46 5NQ 51.66353500 -3.31714000 N/A N/A 308997 196906
CF46 5NR 51.66157600 -3.32216000 33 72 308646 196694
CF46 5NS 51.65949500 -3.32211200 2 7 308645 196462
CF46 5NT 51.66131300 -3.32362500 8 17 308544 196667
CF46 5NU 51.66181200 -3.32355500 11 23 308550 196722
CF46 5NW 51.66193400 -3.31991500 8 27 308802 196731
CF46 5NX 51.66067500 -3.31909800 16 26 308856 196590
CF46 5NY 51.66186600 -3.32280500 13 28 308602 196727
CF46 5NZ 51.66248700 -3.32510700 28 88 308444 196799
CF46 5PA 51.66214400 -3.32359400 12 30 308548 196759
CF46 5PB 51.66457100 -3.32575900 2 3 308403 197032
CF46 5PD 51.67105000 -3.32963800 3 9 308148 197757
CF46 5PE 51.67075000 -3.33388100 1 5 307854 197729
CF46 5PF 51.66398500 -3.33491100 1 1 307769 196978
CF46 5PG 51.65783500 -3.31976700 0 5 308804 196275
CF46 5PH 51.66419400 -3.31801400 19 45 308938 196980
CF46 5PJ 51.65808500 -3.30144300 19 45 310072 196280
CF46 5PL 51.65664100 -3.30111200 21 45 310092 196119
CF46 5PN 51.65627000 -3.29965600 21 57 310192 196076
CF46 5PP 51.65721000 -3.30007300 32 78 310165 196181
CF46 5PQ 51.66246500 -3.32386300 5 19 308530 196795
CF46 5PR 51.66413600 -3.30674700 9 24 309717 196960
CF46 5PS 51.66437900 -3.30551300 34 82 309803 196985
CF46 5PT 51.66448100 -3.30724900 5 9 309683 196998
CF46 5PU 51.66314400 -3.32391000 N/A N/A 308528 196871
CF46 5PY 51.66421500 -3.30889100 5 13 309569 196971
CF46 5RA 51.66444100 -3.30879700 3 8 309576 196996
CF46 5RB 51.66483200 -3.30563900 24 42 309795 197036
CF46 5RD 51.66763100 -3.30819400 12 34 309624 197350
CF46 5RE 51.66464900 -3.30790600 12 29 309638 197018
CF46 5RF 51.66471100 -3.30883300 27 66 309574 197026
CF46 5RG 51.66565300 -3.30699300 24 63 309703 197129
CF46 5RH 51.66534800 -3.30890900 29 78 309570 197097
CF46 5RJ 51.66566400 -3.30800800 8 18 309633 197131
CF46 5RL 51.66614100 -3.30955400 60 159 309527 197186
CF46 5RN 51.67500800 -3.31592700 4 14 309104 198180
CF46 5RP 51.66215200 -3.29955000 44 123 310211 196730
CF46 5RT 51.66538100 -3.29865900 1 2 310279 197088
CF46 5RU 51.66390000 -3.30133300 2 5 310091 196927
CF46 5RW 51.66536400 -3.30669800 11 15 309723 197096
CF46 5RX 51.66334800 -3.29876000 28 76 310268 196862
CF46 5RY 51.66362100 -3.29680100 6 19 310404 196890
CF46 5RZ 51.66404100 -3.29867800 17 50 310275 196939
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