CF62 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

CF62 4 is a postcode sector in Vale of Glamorgan, UK. Below is a complete list of CF62 4 Postcodes (Active). CF62 4 postcode sector comprises of 117 active postcodes. CF62 4 sector has a population of 5287, and it has 1776 properties in the region.

Browse Information On CF62 4 postcode sector

CF62 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5287
Addresses / Property Count 1776
Active Postcodes 117
Nearby Postcode Districts 45
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of CF62 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-117 of 117 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
CF62 4PY 51.40066000 -3.41651700 13 41 301558 167800
CF62 4PZ 51.40076200 -3.41393000 24 48 301738 167808
CF62 4QA 51.40472600 -3.41566500 14 29 301626 168251
CF62 4QB 51.40368500 -3.41471200 18 37 301690 168134
CF62 4QD 51.40276700 -3.41469600 N/A N/A 301689 168032
CF62 4QG 51.42053000 -3.41369200 3 3 301797 170006
CF62 4QH 51.42087600 -3.41784600 6 17 301509 170050
CF62 4QJ 51.42065600 -3.41519300 34 85 301693 170022
CF62 4QL 51.42113700 -3.43334400 18 52 300432 170100
CF62 4QN 51.41823200 -3.43706300 2 4 300167 169782
CF62 4QP 51.41795300 -3.43636500 9 24 300215 169750
CF62 4QQ 51.40220900 -3.41333000 9 22 301783 167968
CF62 4QR 51.41899200 -3.43961800 N/A N/A 299991 169870
CF62 4QT 51.38746200 -3.40660900 N/A N/A 302219 166319
CF62 4WA 51.41178000 -3.41829800 16 740 301458 169039
CF62 4WB 51.41208900 -3.43423900 N/A N/A 300350 169095
CF62 4ZW 51.38746200 -3.40660900 N/A N/A 302219 166319
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