DE7 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DE7 4 is a postcode sector in Erewash, UK. Below is a complete list of DE7 4 Postcodes (Active). DE7 4 postcode sector comprises of 264 active postcodes. DE7 4 sector has a population of 12342, and it has 5271 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DE7 4 postcode sector

DE7 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12342
Addresses / Property Count 5271
Active Postcodes 264
Nearby Postcode Districts 24
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of DE7 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-264 of 264 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DE7 4RX 52.95796500 -1.31994600 N/A N/A 445781 340282
DE7 4SA 52.95332700 -1.30009200 57 127 447120 339779
DE7 4SB 52.95321400 -1.30085300 17 42 447069 339766
DE7 4SD 52.95715800 -1.30946400 N/A N/A 446486 340199
DE7 4SE 52.95540300 -1.30900100 N/A N/A 446519 340004
DE7 4SF 52.95722500 -1.31004400 N/A N/A 446447 340206
DE7 4SG 52.95779600 -1.31095800 N/A N/A 446385 340269
DE7 4SH 52.95544700 -1.31048900 N/A N/A 446419 340008
DE7 4SJ 52.95860500 -1.31088500 N/A N/A 446389 340359
DE7 4SL 52.95762600 -1.30953100 N/A N/A 446481 340251
DE7 4SN 52.95768700 -1.30921800 N/A N/A 446502 340258
DE7 4SP 52.95528000 -1.30796100 N/A N/A 446589 339991
DE7 4SQ 52.95597500 -1.30841100 N/A N/A 446558 340068
DE7 4SX 52.95634700 -1.31068300 N/A N/A 446405 340108
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