DN16 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DN16 3 is a postcode sector in North Lincolnshire, UK. Below is a complete list of DN16 3 Postcodes (Active). DN16 3 postcode sector comprises of 317 active postcodes. DN16 3 sector has a population of 14056, and it has 5878 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DN16 3 postcode sector

DN16 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 14056
Addresses / Property Count 5878
Active Postcodes 317
Nearby Postcode Districts 32
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of DN16 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 317 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DN16 3JZ 53.55848300 -0.64822300 16 22 489641 407723
DN16 3LA 53.55830200 -0.64890800 44 90 489596 407702
DN16 3LB 53.55914200 -0.65001400 12 20 489521 407794
DN16 3LD 53.55924000 -0.65238100 42 87 489364 407802
DN16 3LE 53.55835400 -0.65509600 12 26 489186 407700
DN16 3LF 53.55843600 -0.65361400 12 38 489284 407711
DN16 3LG 53.55836300 -0.65185000 4 8 489401 407705
DN16 3LH 53.55750200 -0.65362900 31 73 489285 407607
DN16 3LJ 53.55778300 -0.65547700 14 34 489162 407636
DN16 3LL 53.55676400 -0.65519200 22 58 489183 407523
DN16 3LN 53.55539800 -0.65519000 33 71 489186 407371
DN16 3LP 53.55582700 -0.65339500 37 86 489304 407421
DN16 3LQ 53.55816800 -0.65289800 13 26 489332 407682
DN16 3LR 53.55622700 -0.65137500 9 24 489437 407468
DN16 3LS 53.55650600 -0.65299600 24 62 489329 407497
DN16 3LT 53.55677000 -0.65176500 9 19 489410 407528
DN16 3LU 53.55678200 -0.65359100 35 91 489289 407527
DN16 3LW 53.55644300 -0.65622900 22 58 489115 407486
DN16 3LX 53.55737300 -0.65177600 5 11 489408 407595
DN16 3LY 53.55707100 -0.65127200 12 28 489442 407562
DN16 3LZ 53.55780400 -0.65011700 18 25 489517 407645
DN16 3NA 53.55925800 -0.64834900 23 46 489631 407809
DN16 3NB 53.55601500 -0.63589300 19 31 490463 407464
DN16 3ND 53.55916400 -0.65116000 6 12 489445 407795
DN16 3NE 53.55992400 -0.65003400 17 38 489518 407881
DN16 3NF 53.56000200 -0.64417400 26 44 489906 407897
DN16 3NG 53.55993200 -0.64120200 N/A N/A 490103 407893
DN16 3NH 53.56061400 -0.63922100 2 3 490233 407971
DN16 3NJ 53.56079700 -0.64036200 16 34 490157 407990
DN16 3NL 53.56037400 -0.64369400 30 62 489937 407939
DN16 3NN 53.56069600 -0.64354800 25 49 489946 407975
DN16 3NP 53.55727800 -0.63627500 20 52 490435 407604
DN16 3NQ 53.55913700 -0.63769400 50 83 490337 407809
DN16 3NR 53.55779500 -0.65093200 25 25 489463 407643
DN16 3NS 53.55642200 -0.63296600 75 199 490656 407513
DN16 3NT 53.55709300 -0.63190300 27 76 490725 407589
DN16 3NU 53.55702300 -0.63284100 22 68 490663 407580
DN16 3NW 53.56100000 -0.64343200 25 46 489953 408009
DN16 3NX 53.56017500 -0.64758000 N/A N/A 489680 407912
DN16 3NY 53.55932300 -0.63403800 N/A N/A 490579 407834
DN16 3NZ 53.54658100 -0.65583500 N/A N/A 489162 406389
DN16 3PA 53.55290100 -0.65302000 34 85 489335 407096
DN16 3PB 53.55219400 -0.65245400 27 62 489374 407018
DN16 3PD 53.55393700 -0.65075300 19 36 489483 407214
DN16 3PE 53.55327200 -0.65165000 23 57 489425 407139
DN16 3PF 53.55379100 -0.65376200 37 81 489284 407194
DN16 3PG 53.55411700 -0.65323800 17 42 489318 407231
DN16 3PH 53.55434700 -0.65045300 22 48 489502 407260
DN16 3PJ 53.55550900 -0.64990300 28 51 489536 407390
DN16 3PL 53.55488500 -0.65036100 21 50 489507 407320
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