EX31 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

EX31 4 is a postcode sector in North Devon, UK. Below is a complete list of EX31 4 Postcodes (Active). EX31 4 postcode sector comprises of 272 active postcodes. EX31 4 sector has a population of 7090, and it has 2520 properties in the region.

Browse Information On EX31 4 postcode sector

EX31 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7090
Addresses / Property Count 2520
Active Postcodes 272
Nearby Postcode Districts 32
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of EX31 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 250-272 of 272 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
EX31 4TG 51.12281700 -3.93650000 40 107 264574 137732
EX31 4TH 51.11776100 -3.93343900 1 3 264773 137164
EX31 4TJ 51.12332700 -3.93503500 15 28 264678 137786
EX31 4TL 51.12405800 -3.92779200 14 54 265187 137854
EX31 4TN 51.13932000 -3.89752000 2 5 267349 139496
EX31 4TP 51.12564200 -3.88414000 11 42 268246 137951
EX31 4TQ 51.12421400 -3.93574400 12 28 264631 137886
EX31 4TR 51.13784800 -3.88240200 1 2 268402 139305
EX31 4TS 51.14989200 -3.87329800 12 31 269073 140628
EX31 4TT 51.15357300 -3.86748400 13 36 269490 141027
EX31 4TU 51.15573600 -3.87733900 18 45 268807 141285
EX31 4TW 51.14897100 -3.88864600 3 10 267997 140553
EX31 4TX 51.15521900 -3.90755400 3 9 266693 141282
EX31 4TY 51.15940400 -3.91012900 N/A N/A 266525 141752
EX31 4TZ 51.12364400 -3.94040100 16 41 264303 137831
EX31 4UB 51.15550800 -3.90199800 N/A N/A 267082 141304
EX31 4UH 51.12462400 -3.93118200 N/A N/A 264951 137923
EX31 4UX 51.08811800 -4.04959500 30 75 256552 134088
EX31 4UY 51.08774700 -4.05076400 10 25 256469 134049
EX31 4UZ 51.08760300 -4.05181400 11 30 256395 134035
EX31 4WB 51.18726600 -3.90674000 N/A N/A 266842 144844
EX31 4ZQ 51.18726600 -3.90674000 N/A N/A 266842 144844
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