GL15 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GL15 4 is a postcode sector in Forest of Dean, UK. Below is a complete list of GL15 4 Postcodes (Active). GL15 4 postcode sector comprises of 237 active postcodes. GL15 4 sector has a population of 5444, and it has 2264 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GL15 4 postcode sector

GL15 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5444
Addresses / Property Count 2264
Active Postcodes 237
Nearby Postcode Districts 26
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of GL15 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 200-237 of 237 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GL15 4SJ 51.76225700 -2.52330000 8 15 363981 207193
GL15 4SL 51.76761500 -2.52059400 1 2 364172 207788
GL15 4SN 51.76186500 -2.51957100 7 20 364238 207148
GL15 4SP 51.76334400 -2.52267400 27 57 364025 207314
GL15 4SQ 51.76228800 -2.52240200 8 11 364043 207196
GL15 4SR 51.76412600 -2.51961200 18 57 364237 207400
GL15 4SS 51.75513800 -2.55152500 24 63 362027 206416
GL15 4ST 51.75473200 -2.54016200 9 18 362811 206365
GL15 4SU 51.75328300 -2.56063000 N/A N/A 361397 206215
GL15 4SW 51.76159800 -2.51994500 3 7 364212 207119
GL15 4SX 51.75464600 -2.54521700 N/A N/A 362462 206358
GL15 4SY 51.76012400 -2.53476400 20 52 363188 206962
GL15 4SZ 51.76074700 -2.52833900 2 3 363632 207028
GL15 4TA 51.76120400 -2.52854700 5 12 363618 207079
GL15 4TB 51.76082500 -2.53104900 4 6 363445 207038
GL15 4TD 51.76103000 -2.53037100 20 63 363492 207061
GL15 4TE 51.76227100 -2.52838600 10 24 363630 207198
GL15 4TF 51.76305200 -2.52868500 8 21 363610 207285
GL15 4TG 51.76493200 -2.52851900 6 16 363623 207494
GL15 4TH 51.76305400 -2.53116200 4 11 363439 207286
GL15 4TJ 51.76300400 -2.53029200 24 58 363499 207280
GL15 4TL 51.76191300 -2.52991800 22 49 363524 207158
GL15 4TN 51.76068100 -2.53298900 14 33 363311 207023
GL15 4TP 51.75955100 -2.53325200 16 42 363292 206897
GL15 4TQ 51.76351200 -2.53029900 18 49 363499 207337
GL15 4TR 51.75884200 -2.53606800 16 56 363097 206820
GL15 4TS 51.75892000 -2.53457600 3 5 363200 206828
GL15 4TT 51.75540400 -2.53472300 7 14 363187 206437
GL15 4TU 51.75613900 -2.53326900 20 56 363288 206518
GL15 4TW 51.76153100 -2.53391200 7 13 363248 207118
GL15 4TX 51.75496700 -2.53390700 5 10 363243 206388
GL15 4TY 51.75487600 -2.53232700 6 13 363352 206377
GL15 4TZ 51.75474300 -2.52377800 5 16 363942 206358
GL15 4UA 51.76212000 -2.52890500 4 15 363594 207181
GL15 4UB 51.76087800 -2.53012300 10 27 363509 207043
GL15 4UD 51.75238000 -2.54895700 N/A N/A 362202 206108
GL15 4UE 51.75293100 -2.54848500 N/A N/A 362235 206169
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