GU21 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU21 4 is a postcode sector in Woking, UK. Below is a complete list of GU21 4 Postcodes (Active). GU21 4 postcode sector comprises of 260 active postcodes. GU21 4 sector has a population of 9768, and it has 3696 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU21 4 postcode sector

GU21 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9768
Addresses / Property Count 3696
Active Postcodes 260
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of GU21 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 260 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU21 4DZ 51.32832700 -0.55144000 3 5 501023 159799
GU21 4ED 51.32939700 -0.55000000 11 30 501121 159920
GU21 4EE 51.32973400 -0.55178300 9 28 500996 159955
GU21 4EF 51.32944500 -0.55243800 4 8 500951 159922
GU21 4EH 51.33102600 -0.55082400 16 52 501060 160100
GU21 4EL 51.33173400 -0.55133300 6 15 501023 160178
GU21 4EN 51.33011200 -0.55398200 17 56 500842 159994
GU21 4EQ 51.33059800 -0.55182800 1 5 500991 160051
GU21 4ER 51.32961500 -0.55382500 11 33 500854 159939
GU21 4ES 51.33154700 -0.55293200 10 24 500912 160155
GU21 4ET 51.33187100 -0.55516100 21 55 500756 160188
GU21 4EU 51.33084000 -0.55614100 13 35 500690 160072
GU21 4EW 51.33062600 -0.55337700 4 15 500883 160052
GU21 4EX 51.32911400 -0.55323800 4 11 500896 159884
GU21 4GF 51.31768100 -0.55585100 N/A N/A 500739 158609
GU21 4HA 51.32641400 -0.56255200 13 23 500253 159571
GU21 4HE 51.33039500 -0.54849000 11 25 501224 160033
GU21 4HG 51.33023400 -0.54929900 8 22 501168 160014
GU21 4HH 51.33220900 -0.55190600 3 9 500982 160230
GU21 4HJ 51.33245300 -0.55353500 6 25 500868 160255
GU21 4HL 51.33204300 -0.55303100 5 16 500904 160210
GU21 4HN 51.33226400 -0.55936400 6 24 500462 160226
GU21 4HP 51.33216000 -0.55742000 7 21 500598 160217
GU21 4HQ 51.33235700 -0.55090600 25 42 501051 160248
GU21 4HT 51.33018500 -0.56428600 36 118 500124 159988
GU21 4HW 51.33203100 -0.55864400 5 18 500513 160201
GU21 4HX 51.32710200 -0.56226700 2 46 500271 159648
GU21 4HY 51.32902400 -0.56495300 36 116 500080 159858
GU21 4HZ 51.32971800 -0.56504700 18 36 500072 159935
GU21 4JA 51.32878500 -0.56161600 10 68 500313 159836
GU21 4JB 51.32990500 -0.56196900 6 19 500286 159960
GU21 4JD 51.33064200 -0.56197500 8 19 500284 160042
GU21 4JE 51.33104600 -0.56189000 3 4 500289 160087
GU21 4JF 51.33178700 -0.56295800 4 11 500213 160168
GU21 4JG 51.33165900 -0.56573200 10 24 500020 160150
GU21 4JH 51.33127200 -0.56422300 5 16 500126 160109
GU21 4JJ 51.33162700 -0.56385300 11 33 500151 160149
GU21 4JL 51.32996200 -0.57178500 17 46 499602 159953
GU21 4JN 51.32926200 -0.57417500 14 39 499437 159872
GU21 4JP 51.33019700 -0.57341400 5 10 499488 159977
GU21 4JQ 51.33074900 -0.56850200 19 56 499829 160045
GU21 4JR 51.32933000 -0.57750300 23 61 499205 159875
GU21 4JS 51.32867000 -0.57717900 4 13 499229 159802
GU21 4JT 51.32765400 -0.57795700 14 38 499177 159688
GU21 4JU 51.32688000 -0.57865500 26 80 499130 159601
GU21 4JW 51.32847900 -0.57633800 20 59 499288 159782
GU21 4JX 51.32676800 -0.57828600 6 8 499156 159589
GU21 4JY 51.32668700 -0.57839900 2 7 499148 159580
GU21 4JZ 51.32658900 -0.57847400 2 5 499143 159569
GU21 4LA 51.32649100 -0.57854800 2 7 499138 159558
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