IP18 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

IP18 6 is a postcode sector in East Suffolk, UK. Below is a complete list of IP18 6 Postcodes (Active). IP18 6 postcode sector comprises of 290 active postcodes. IP18 6 sector has a population of 4055, and it has 2047 properties in the region.

Browse Information On IP18 6 postcode sector

IP18 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4055
Addresses / Property Count 2047
Active Postcodes 290
Nearby Postcode Districts 33
Nearby Postcode Sectors 0

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showing 100-150 of 290 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
IP18 6JA 52.32776000 1.67868500 10 16 650756 276335
IP18 6JB 52.32767200 1.67919100 6 9 650791 276327
IP18 6JD 52.32697900 1.67834100 N/A N/A 650737 276247
IP18 6JE 52.32699900 1.67854800 2 6 650751 276250
IP18 6JF 52.32742300 1.67909700 7 12 650786 276299
IP18 6JG 52.32696700 1.67927900 9 14 650801 276249
IP18 6JH 52.32582000 1.68118100 4 6 650937 276128
IP18 6JJ 52.32623700 1.68156500 4 8 650961 276176
IP18 6JL 52.32702600 1.68142800 13 18 650947 276263
IP18 6JN 52.32704800 1.68074000 5 8 650900 276263
IP18 6JP 52.32803200 1.68033700 3 4 650867 276371
IP18 6JQ 52.32643700 1.68099700 13 19 650921 276196
IP18 6JR 52.32818300 1.68039300 1 2 650870 276388
IP18 6JS 52.32607800 1.68067400 N/A N/A 650901 276155
IP18 6JT 52.32603500 1.67824500 3 4 650736 276142
IP18 6JU 52.33014000 1.67648900 N/A N/A 650593 276592
IP18 6JW 52.32733200 1.67970600 N/A N/A 650828 276291
IP18 6JZ 52.34432600 1.66023400 14 34 649406 278113
IP18 6LA 52.32917900 1.67729000 8 14 650653 276488
IP18 6LB 52.32965000 1.67797300 17 30 650697 276543
IP18 6LD 52.32943500 1.67996600 15 29 650834 276526
IP18 6LE 52.32975000 1.67976000 4 8 650818 276560
IP18 6LF 52.32900200 1.68065200 1 1 650883 276480
IP18 6LG 52.32896500 1.68100200 5 8 650907 276477
IP18 6LH 52.32984700 1.67658000 N/A N/A 650601 276560
IP18 6LJ 52.32791200 1.68188300 5 8 650973 276363
IP18 6LL 52.32778800 1.68152000 4 7 650949 276348
IP18 6LN 52.32758000 1.68185500 5 8 650973 276326
IP18 6LP 52.32760900 1.68234200 5 9 651006 276331
IP18 6LQ 52.32842500 1.68128000 21 35 650929 276418
IP18 6LR 52.32864600 1.68226700 13 24 650995 276446
IP18 6LS 52.32986000 1.68169300 14 16 650949 276579
IP18 6LT 52.32896900 1.68316000 10 18 651054 276485
IP18 6LU 52.32992300 1.68370900 1 1 651086 276593
IP18 6LW 52.32717100 1.68162800 1 1 650960 276280
IP18 6LX 52.32971600 1.68285500 5 6 651029 276567
IP18 6LY 52.32906700 1.67657600 3 4 650605 276473
IP18 6NB 52.31548300 1.67373200 2 2 650488 274953
IP18 6ND 52.31554300 1.67268000 N/A N/A 650416 274956
IP18 6NF 52.33436300 1.67194700 4 6 650260 277046
IP18 6NG 52.33447900 1.66972800 4 4 650108 277051
IP18 6NH 52.33494300 1.66956100 14 33 650094 277102
IP18 6NJ 52.33492500 1.66810600 4 9 649995 277095
IP18 6NL 52.33409000 1.66862400 15 28 650035 277004
IP18 6NN 52.33464700 1.66806800 2 4 649994 277064
IP18 6NP 52.33409200 1.66771400 11 24 649973 277001
IP18 6NQ 52.33387000 1.67014500 13 27 650140 276985
IP18 6NR 52.33497800 1.66554000 16 41 649820 277092
IP18 6NS 52.33558500 1.66134700 7 12 649531 277145
IP18 6NT 52.33686000 1.65936700 23 51 649389 277280
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