IP3 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

IP3 9 is a postcode sector in Ipswich, UK. Below is a complete list of IP3 9 Postcodes (Active). IP3 9 postcode sector comprises of 279 active postcodes. IP3 9 sector has a population of 12103, and it has 4894 properties in the region.

Browse Information On IP3 9 postcode sector

IP3 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12103
Addresses / Property Count 4894
Active Postcodes 279
Nearby Postcode Districts 33
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

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showing 150-200 of 279 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
IP3 9LU 52.03687000 1.18741700 37 82 618714 242403
IP3 9LW 52.03940300 1.18510300 8 14 618543 242678
IP3 9LX 52.03594700 1.18395300 18 41 618481 242290
IP3 9LY 52.03535400 1.18294800 10 16 618415 242221
IP3 9LZ 52.03604400 1.18537500 16 49 618578 242305
IP3 9NA 52.03906600 1.18671200 25 49 618655 242645
IP3 9ND 52.03808000 1.18791100 13 33 618742 242539
IP3 9NE 52.03683700 1.18929600 6 19 618843 242405
IP3 9NF 52.03622900 1.19017100 7 14 618906 242340
IP3 9NG 52.03463100 1.18972200 27 56 618883 242161
IP3 9NH 52.03347600 1.18719000 10 16 618715 242025
IP3 9NJ 52.03283200 1.18774200 8 14 618756 241955
IP3 9NL 52.03261600 1.18641400 34 68 618666 241927
IP3 9NN 52.03597400 1.18984700 N/A N/A 618885 242311
IP3 9NP 52.03521300 1.18748800 40 112 618727 242219
IP3 9NQ 52.03313700 1.18843400 9 14 618802 241991
IP3 9NR 52.03484800 1.18636900 28 57 618652 242175
IP3 9NS 52.03450900 1.18560100 19 48 618601 242135
IP3 9NT 52.03447100 1.18467900 16 38 618538 242128
IP3 9NU 52.03377900 1.18498000 18 43 618562 242052
IP3 9NW 52.03371100 1.18850400 7 16 618804 242055
IP3 9NX 52.03413900 1.18397000 26 60 618491 242089
IP3 9NY 52.03347000 1.18478300 16 42 618550 242017
IP3 9NZ 52.03271100 1.18490400 10 15 618562 241933
IP3 9PA 52.03354400 1.18636300 46 110 618658 242030
IP3 9PB 52.03425500 1.18768300 10 20 618745 242113
IP3 9PD 52.03519300 1.18888700 56 141 618823 242221
IP3 9PE 52.03540300 1.18811400 9 15 618769 242242
IP3 9PF 52.03649900 1.18881900 12 29 618812 242366
IP3 9PG 52.03611500 1.18673600 57 133 618671 242317
IP3 9PH 52.03482300 1.18361100 26 61 618463 242164
IP3 9PL 52.03469500 1.19949700 N/A N/A 619553 242198
IP3 9PP 52.04091300 1.18579400 2 3 618583 242848
IP3 9PQ 52.03522900 1.18458700 17 25 618528 242212
IP3 9PR 52.04028000 1.18602600 8 31 618602 242778
IP3 9PS 52.03982000 1.18740800 23 67 618699 242731
IP3 9PT 52.03930100 1.18799800 14 50 618742 242675
IP3 9PU 52.03942800 1.18729200 17 43 618693 242687
IP3 9PX 52.03822700 1.18844700 12 43 618778 242557
IP3 9PY 52.03680300 1.19024100 23 61 618908 242404
IP3 9QA 52.03584100 1.19218500 20 52 619046 242303
IP3 9QB 52.03526300 1.19194000 14 50 619032 242238
IP3 9QD 52.03434100 1.19410500 21 54 619185 242142
IP3 9QE 52.03271100 1.19748900 38 86 619425 241971
IP3 9QF 52.03101700 1.19782000 21 36 619456 241784
IP3 9QJ 52.03036700 1.19937700 43 87 619566 241716
IP3 9QN 52.03609900 1.19926200 N/A N/A 619530 242353
IP3 9QR 52.03483200 1.19777100 N/A N/A 619434 242208
IP3 9QS 52.03389800 1.19652300 9 23 619353 242100
IP3 9QT 52.03483100 1.19463600 21 71 619219 242198
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