L12 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L12 5 is a postcode sector in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L12 5 Postcodes (Active). L12 5 postcode sector comprises of 71 active postcodes. L12 5 sector has a population of 3753, and it has 1521 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L12 5 postcode sector

L12 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3753
Addresses / Property Count 1521
Active Postcodes 71
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L12 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-71 of 71 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L12 5JR 53.43843800 -2.90676900 11 24 339861 393901
L12 5JS 53.43884700 -2.90613000 9 21 339904 393946
L12 5JT 53.43930100 -2.90549300 8 22 339947 393996
L12 5JU 53.43953300 -2.90462500 15 40 340005 394021
L12 5JW 53.43527900 -2.91427300 18 26 339358 393556
L12 5JX 53.43983500 -2.90383300 13 39 340058 394054
L12 5JY 53.43904500 -2.90378600 15 43 340060 393966
L12 5JZ 53.43854500 -2.90452800 17 38 340010 393911
L12 5LB 53.43581400 -2.91252400 14 27 339475 393614
L12 5LD 53.43350800 -2.91084900 16 22 339583 393356
L12 5LE 53.43684900 -2.91359900 35 36 339405 393730
L12 5LS 53.43602100 -2.90774100 59 168 339793 393633
L12 5LT 53.43668100 -2.91534100 9 17 339289 393713
L12 5LX 53.43219400 -2.91100100 18 23 339571 393210
L12 5LZ 53.44048600 -2.90571400 40 133 339934 394128
L12 5NA 53.44024200 -2.90479000 45 124 339995 394100
L12 5NE 53.44054700 -2.90601600 29 98 339914 394135
L12 5NH 53.44110500 -2.90714200 23 68 339840 394198
L12 5WZ 53.42965200 -2.90492600 N/A N/A 339971 392922
L12 5YT 53.42966800 -2.90492600 N/A N/A 339971 392924
L12 5YU 53.42966800 -2.90492600 N/A N/A 339971 392924
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