L14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L14 7 is a postcode sector in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L14 7 Postcodes (Active). L14 7 postcode sector comprises of 78 active postcodes. L14 7 sector has a population of 2941, and it has 1226 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L14 7 postcode sector

L14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 2941
Addresses / Property Count 1226
Active Postcodes 78
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-78 of 78 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L14 7PF 53.41897700 -2.88032400 31 73 341591 391714
L14 7PG 53.41841200 -2.88383300 24 64 341357 391654
L14 7PH 53.41817200 -2.88585900 25 43 341222 391629
L14 7PJ 53.41859200 -2.88257300 6 22 341441 391673
L14 7PL 53.41902300 -2.87897000 22 58 341681 391718
L14 7PN 53.41818000 -2.88360200 20 51 341372 391628
L14 7PP 53.41693900 -2.88730800 33 79 341124 391493
L14 7PQ 53.41859000 -2.88034600 33 86 341589 391671
L14 7PR 53.41723600 -2.88842800 32 67 341050 391527
L14 7PS 53.41635500 -2.88603200 31 66 341208 391427
L14 7PT 53.41631900 -2.88359400 24 59 341370 391421
L14 7PU 53.41557700 -2.88544400 30 88 341246 391340
L14 7PW 53.41832000 -2.88040000 28 72 341585 391641
L14 7PX 53.41451300 -2.88719700 21 47 341128 391223
L14 7PY 53.41587200 -2.88566100 33 70 341232 391373
L14 7PZ 53.41458000 -2.88777000 31 67 341090 391231
L14 7QA 53.41791000 -2.88604900 20 27 341209 391600
L14 7QB 53.41748200 -2.88677800 35 98 341160 391553
L14 7QD 53.41658000 -2.88356900 18 42 341372 391450
L14 7QE 53.41522400 -2.88336000 35 100 341384 391299
L14 7QF 53.41390600 -2.88659800 36 86 341167 391155
L14 7QG 53.41546200 -2.88401200 29 77 341341 391326
L14 7QH 53.41601900 -2.88163200 N/A N/A 341500 391386
L14 7QJ 53.41854300 -2.87822300 14 36 341730 391664
L14 7QL 53.41731500 -2.87898000 39 92 341678 391528
L14 7QQ 53.41434500 -2.88672700 29 77 341159 391204
L14 7QS 53.41405800 -2.89028700 5 6 340922 391175
L14 7QW 53.41328300 -2.88326000 18 44 341388 391083
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