L20 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 0 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 0 Postcodes (Active). L20 0 postcode sector comprises of 63 active postcodes. L20 0 sector has a population of 3161, and it has 1251 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 0 postcode sector

L20 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3161
Addresses / Property Count 1251
Active Postcodes 63
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-63 of 63 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 0DS 53.46299000 -2.97368800 6 19 335453 396691
L20 0DT 53.46317500 -2.97516900 26 63 335355 396713
L20 0DU 53.46358200 -2.97597600 10 19 335302 396759
L20 0DW 53.45943900 -2.97372700 26 75 335445 396296
L20 0DX 53.46383100 -2.97634300 N/A N/A 335278 396787
L20 0DY 53.46258500 -2.97477800 17 53 335380 396647
L20 0DZ 53.46215500 -2.97466300 16 36 335387 396599
L20 0EA 53.46356700 -2.97456000 20 48 335396 396756
L20 0ED 53.46398000 -2.97432700 14 35 335412 396802
L20 0EE 53.46502300 -2.97231900 31 84 335547 396916
L20 0EF 53.46471300 -2.97186000 24 65 335577 396881
L20 0EQ 53.46092700 -2.97975600 30 35 335047 396467
L20 0WZ 53.46921900 -2.96908400 N/A N/A 335768 397380
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