L20 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 7 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 7 Postcodes (Active). L20 7 postcode sector comprises of 100 active postcodes. L20 7 sector has a population of 1899, and it has 886 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 7 postcode sector

L20 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1899
Addresses / Property Count 886
Active Postcodes 100
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 100 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 7EJ 53.44568200 -2.99042500 1 34 334315 394781
L20 7EP 53.44827500 -2.99548600 N/A N/A 333983 395074
L20 7EQ 53.44413400 -2.99273800 N/A N/A 334159 394611
L20 7ER 53.44338600 -2.99218000 N/A N/A 334195 394527
L20 7ES 53.44381700 -2.99220500 1 1 334194 394575
L20 7EW 53.44507200 -2.98940400 N/A N/A 334382 394712
L20 7EX 53.44021500 -2.98968200 24 69 334356 394172
L20 7EZ 53.44066500 -2.98857900 39 45 334430 394221
L20 7HE 53.44632800 -2.99297100 13 28 334147 394855
L20 7HF 53.44660400 -2.99317300 28 30 334134 394886
L20 7HH 53.44899300 -2.99353000 5 5 334114 395152
L20 7HJ 53.44893200 -2.99321300 12 13 334135 395145
L20 7HL 53.44926300 -2.99318900 11 12 334137 395182
L20 7HN 53.44959700 -2.99331800 11 13 334129 395219
L20 7HQ 53.44914200 -2.99395500 12 15 334086 395169
L20 7HR 53.44738000 -2.99486200 9 11 334023 394974
L20 7HS 53.44786500 -2.99166600 N/A N/A 334236 395025
L20 7JF 53.44640800 -2.98973600 N/A N/A 334362 394861
L20 7JH 53.44847400 -2.99320200 12 33 334135 395094
L20 7JJ 53.44065400 -2.99080500 6 16 334282 394222
L20 7SA 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SB 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SD 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SE 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SF 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SG 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SH 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SJ 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SL 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SN 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SP 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SQ 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SR 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SS 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7ST 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SU 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SW 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SX 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SY 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7SZ 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TA 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TB 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TD 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TE 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TF 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7TG 53.44577800 -2.99422300 N/A N/A 334063 394795
L20 7WA 53.46921900 -2.96908400 N/A N/A 335768 397380
L20 7YW 53.46921900 -2.96908400 N/A N/A 335768 397380
L20 7YX 53.46921900 -2.96908400 N/A N/A 335768 397380
L20 7ZX 53.46923000 -2.96908600 N/A N/A 335768 397381
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