L34 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L34 5 is a postcode sector in Knowsley, UK. Below is a complete list of L34 5 Postcodes (Active). L34 5 postcode sector comprises of 77 active postcodes. L34 5 sector has a population of 1337, and it has 733 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L34 5 postcode sector

L34 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1337
Addresses / Property Count 733
Active Postcodes 77
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L34 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-77 of 77 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L34 5RU 53.42953300 -2.80072800 24 33 346894 392826
L34 5RW 53.42780700 -2.79533800 20 41 347250 392630
L34 5RY 53.42867300 -2.80134300 27 45 346852 392731
L34 5SA 53.42728800 -2.79747900 1 1 347107 392574
L34 5SB 53.42824700 -2.80488800 10 12 346616 392686
L34 5SE 53.42804700 -2.80244600 9 20 346778 392662
L34 5SF 53.42799900 -2.80155700 4 7 346837 392656
L34 5SG 53.42744900 -2.79888200 6 11 347014 392593
L34 5SH 53.42769500 -2.80140100 15 26 346847 392622
L34 5SJ 53.42740100 -2.80362300 24 51 346699 392591
L34 5SL 53.42747600 -2.80290100 24 53 346747 392599
L34 5SN 53.42746900 -2.80153200 16 28 346838 392597
L34 5SQ 53.42776300 -2.80329900 11 25 346721 392631
L34 5SS 53.42780900 -2.79911500 7 19 346999 392633
L34 5ST 53.42692300 -2.79691600 14 22 347144 392533
L34 5SU 53.42681400 -2.79598200 12 25 347206 392520
L34 5SW 53.42734100 -2.80193600 4 5 346811 392583
L34 5SX 53.42640400 -2.79543200 8 16 347242 392474
L34 5SY 53.42352100 -2.79915500 N/A N/A 346991 392156
L34 5TB 53.42914700 -2.80197000 6 8 346811 392784
L34 5TD 53.42538600 -2.79714400 N/A N/A 347127 392362
L34 5TH 53.42925300 -2.80222800 19 28 346794 392796
L34 5TJ 53.42700700 -2.79645100 N/A N/A 347175 392542
L34 5UB 53.42837800 -2.79593600 13 17 347211 392694
L34 5UD 53.42287100 -2.80188100 18 35 346809 392086
L34 5UN 53.42285100 -2.80251400 1 2 346767 392084
L34 5UY 53.42864300 -2.80185400 N/A N/A 346818 392728
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