L4 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L4 1 is a postcode sector in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L4 1 Postcodes (Active). L4 1 postcode sector comprises of 80 active postcodes. L4 1 sector has a population of 3023, and it has 1426 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L4 1 postcode sector

L4 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3023
Addresses / Property Count 1426
Active Postcodes 80
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L4 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-80 of 80 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L4 1UN 53.43389200 -2.97710200 N/A N/A 335182 393457
L4 1UZ 53.43844000 -2.98047300 54 134 334965 393966
L4 1WA 53.43585100 -2.97592700 N/A N/A 335263 393674
L4 1XA 53.43800900 -2.97928900 50 76 335043 393917
L4 1XB 53.43894600 -2.97794100 15 25 335134 394020
L4 1XD 53.43908800 -2.97926900 79 102 335046 394037
L4 1XE 53.43939900 -2.97969700 22 37 335018 394072
L4 1XF 53.43960900 -2.97824200 19 43 335115 394094
L4 1XG 53.43789200 -2.98128700 9 41 334910 393906
L4 1XJ 53.43660500 -2.97723900 65 160 335177 393759
L4 1XL 53.43685500 -2.97638700 24 64 335234 393786
L4 1XN 53.43724300 -2.97617000 37 69 335249 393829
L4 1XP 53.43693800 -2.97837600 24 54 335102 393797
L4 1XQ 53.43762200 -2.98150800 13 29 334895 393876
L4 1XR 53.43759500 -2.97824100 16 39 335112 393870
L4 1XS 53.43800500 -2.97645900 20 50 335231 393914
L4 1XT 53.43522600 -2.97878800 19 43 335072 393607
L4 1XU 53.43528800 -2.97763000 17 39 335149 393613
L4 1XW 53.43608500 -2.97828100 17 37 335107 393702
L4 1XX 53.43246200 -2.98372200 22 42 334740 393304
L4 1XY 53.43206600 -2.98378800 8 21 334735 393260
L4 1XZ 53.43336400 -2.98113900 5 12 334913 393402
L4 1YA 53.43226100 -2.98413900 32 36 334712 393282
L4 1YB 53.43402100 -2.97995000 42 88 334993 393474
L4 1YD 53.43017000 -2.98041800 26 60 334956 393046
L4 1YE 53.43533800 -2.98270500 15 24 334812 393623
L4 1YF 53.43522700 -2.98416200 25 64 334715 393612
L4 1YG 53.43189600 -2.98131500 4 7 334899 393239
L4 1YH 53.43017100 -2.98255500 13 32 334814 393048
L4 1YQ 53.43030100 -2.98087300 8 19 334926 393061
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