L4 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L4 5 is a postcode sector in Liverpool, UK. Below is a complete list of L4 5 Postcodes (Active). L4 5 postcode sector comprises of 114 active postcodes. L4 5 sector has a population of 5953, and it has 2850 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L4 5 postcode sector

L4 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5953
Addresses / Property Count 2850
Active Postcodes 114
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L4 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 114 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L4 5SG 53.44053100 -2.96545100 52 85 335966 394185
L4 5SH 53.44106300 -2.96522300 40 77 335982 394244
L4 5SJ 53.44050300 -2.96331300 34 64 336108 394180
L4 5SL 53.44197500 -2.96467100 25 52 336020 394345
L4 5SN 53.44127800 -2.96506100 28 55 335993 394268
L4 5SP 53.44287700 -2.96427000 23 41 336048 394445
L4 5SQ 53.44015900 -2.96356100 43 77 336091 394142
L4 5SR 53.44278600 -2.96333500 17 35 336110 394434
L4 5SS 53.44192000 -2.96366100 16 39 336087 394338
L4 5ST 53.44270100 -2.96276100 22 41 336148 394424
L4 5SU 53.44181800 -2.96299700 20 42 336131 394326
L4 5SW 53.44089100 -2.96317100 36 90 336118 394223
L4 5SX 53.44268500 -2.96250400 21 42 336165 394422
L4 5SY 53.44171900 -2.96409300 34 62 336058 394316
L4 5SZ 53.44150200 -2.96407200 29 70 336059 394292
L4 5TA 53.44165200 -2.96234500 23 45 336174 394307
L4 5TB 53.44259900 -2.96193000 19 27 336203 394412
L4 5TD 53.44317800 -2.96929000 49 83 335715 394483
L4 5TE 53.44089300 -2.96619700 27 38 335917 394226
L4 5TF 53.44263800 -2.96491200 21 34 336005 394419
L4 5TG 53.44242800 -2.96316100 33 85 336121 394394
L4 5TH 53.44368200 -2.96918100 18 52 335723 394539
L4 5TJ 53.44378900 -2.96825000 26 56 335785 394550
L4 5TL 53.44348200 -2.96816700 37 89 335790 394516
L4 5TN 53.44400000 -2.96765300 31 60 335825 394573
L4 5TP 53.44430900 -2.96728400 28 68 335850 394607
L4 5TQ 53.44221900 -2.96345700 38 97 336101 394371
L4 5TR 53.44412700 -2.96753500 26 75 335833 394587
L4 5TS 53.44382400 -2.96614300 18 39 335925 394552
L4 5TT 53.44379000 -2.96585700 36 77 335944 394548
L4 5TU 53.44369700 -2.96519200 25 57 335988 394537
L4 5TW 53.44387200 -2.96801100 22 54 335801 394559
L4 5TX 53.44367100 -2.96278200 39 77 336148 394532
L4 5TY 53.44459100 -2.96688300 26 59 335877 394638
L4 5TZ 53.44449600 -2.96724200 28 72 335853 394628
L4 5UA 53.44416300 -2.96201100 25 62 336200 394586
L4 5UB 53.44451100 -2.96338900 15 23 336109 394626
L4 5UD 53.44479400 -2.96285300 26 52 336145 394657
L4 5UE 53.44460900 -2.96581500 38 94 335948 394639
L4 5UF 53.44454000 -2.96626400 39 92 335918 394632
L4 5UG 53.44223700 -2.96669500 28 50 335886 394376
L4 5UH 53.44475100 -2.96152700 15 30 336233 394651
L4 5UJ 53.44421900 -2.96172600 15 23 336219 394592
L4 5UL 53.44388800 -2.96159800 12 25 336227 394555
L4 5UN 53.44082600 -2.96676800 25 41 335879 394219
L4 5UP 53.44350000 -2.96398300 N/A N/A 336068 394514
L4 5UQ 53.44207400 -2.96690200 33 59 335872 394358
L4 5UR 53.44368500 -2.96443900 9 22 336038 394535
L4 5US 53.44385300 -2.96143200 33 59 336238 394551
L4 5UT 53.44370800 -2.96049500 41 98 336300 394534
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