LL31 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL31 9 is a postcode sector in Conwy, UK. Below is a complete list of LL31 9 Postcodes (Active). LL31 9 postcode sector comprises of 283 active postcodes. LL31 9 sector has a population of 9344, and it has 4104 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL31 9 postcode sector

LL31 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9344
Addresses / Property Count 4104
Active Postcodes 283
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 0

View Map Of LL31 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 283 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL31 9DY 53.28353300 -3.80468900 13 29 279781 377804
LL31 9DZ 53.29375500 -3.82765700 7 20 278279 378980
LL31 9EA 53.28330700 -3.80472500 5 11 279778 377779
LL31 9EB 53.28328700 -3.80544400 4 4 279730 377778
LL31 9ED 53.28326700 -3.80433600 5 13 279804 377774
LL31 9EE 53.28346500 -3.80428500 6 14 279808 377796
LL31 9EF 53.28304700 -3.80354400 8 21 279856 377748
LL31 9EG 53.28386700 -3.80395300 21 38 279831 377840
LL31 9EH 53.28471200 -3.80457400 9 20 279792 377935
LL31 9EJ 53.29496600 -3.83312600 20 29 277918 379124
LL31 9EL 53.28600800 -3.80387800 58 155 279842 378078
LL31 9EN 53.28586300 -3.80324600 47 117 279884 378061
LL31 9EP 53.28426000 -3.80358000 21 42 279857 377883
LL31 9EQ 53.29443500 -3.82906600 8 20 278187 379058
LL31 9ER 53.28543100 -3.80268700 29 64 279920 378012
LL31 9ES 53.28615600 -3.80231300 12 28 279947 378092
LL31 9ET 53.28668200 -3.80202000 18 36 279968 378150
LL31 9EU 53.28657600 -3.80079700 25 68 280049 378136
LL31 9EW 53.28466300 -3.80304200 13 24 279894 377927
LL31 9EX 53.29453400 -3.83126500 22 40 278041 379073
LL31 9EY 53.28533300 -3.80203800 33 104 279963 378000
LL31 9EZ 53.29122400 -3.80913900 44 110 279506 378667
LL31 9FA 53.29569000 -3.83570700 N/A N/A 277748 379209
LL31 9FB 53.28834500 -3.79608900 N/A N/A 280368 378325
LL31 9FD 53.29108500 -3.81000400 30 76 279448 378653
LL31 9FE 53.29295500 -3.80869100 N/A N/A 279541 378859
LL31 9FF 53.29358000 -3.81024400 N/A N/A 279439 378931
LL31 9FG 53.28778200 -3.79534200 N/A N/A 280416 378261
LL31 9FH 53.28728100 -3.79329900 N/A N/A 280551 378202
LL31 9FJ 53.29370500 -3.82800000 N/A N/A 278256 378975
LL31 9FN 53.28583500 -3.80983000 N/A N/A 279445 378069
LL31 9FP 53.29561900 -3.81443000 N/A N/A 279166 379165
LL31 9FQ 53.29598000 -3.81429500 N/A N/A 279176 379205
LL31 9GA 53.29205800 -3.82448200 2 7 278486 378786
LL31 9GD 53.28249400 -3.80143500 9 16 279995 377683
LL31 9GE 53.28210300 -3.79507700 N/A N/A 280418 377629
LL31 9GF 53.29273000 -3.80999800 N/A N/A 279453 378836
LL31 9GG 53.28854200 -3.80220000 N/A N/A 279961 378357
LL31 9GH 53.28754400 -3.80160300 N/A N/A 279998 378245
LL31 9HA 53.28407000 -3.80291500 15 43 279901 377861
LL31 9HB 53.29430200 -3.80946500 47 115 279493 379010
LL31 9HD 53.29424200 -3.80801000 N/A N/A 279590 379001
LL31 9HE 53.28668400 -3.80908300 4 4 279497 378162
LL31 9HF 53.28921100 -3.80789900 8 24 279583 378441
LL31 9HG 53.28522100 -3.80887400 24 53 279507 377999
LL31 9HH 53.28535200 -3.80859100 5 14 279526 378013
LL31 9HJ 53.29736900 -3.83469900 19 61 277820 379394
LL31 9HL 53.28627800 -3.80978600 5 10 279449 378118
LL31 9HN 53.28649400 -3.80787800 38 99 279577 378139
LL31 9HP 53.28767200 -3.80801400 16 27 279571 378270
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