LS10 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LS10 3 is a postcode sector in Leeds, UK. Below is a complete list of LS10 3 Postcodes (Active). LS10 3 postcode sector comprises of 269 active postcodes. LS10 3 sector has a population of 12731, and it has 5528 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LS10 3 postcode sector

LS10 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12731
Addresses / Property Count 5528
Active Postcodes 269
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LS10 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 269 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LS10 3DQ 53.77184900 -1.51745000 N/A N/A 431902 430720
LS10 3DR 53.76289100 -1.52483400 22 64 431422 429720
LS10 3DS 53.76374200 -1.52411200 26 53 431469 429815
LS10 3DT 53.76376300 -1.52505200 33 115 431407 429817
LS10 3DU 53.76459800 -1.52689300 33 36 431285 429909
LS10 3DW 53.76229100 -1.52544800 23 54 431382 429653
LS10 3DX 53.76531100 -1.52585800 48 73 431353 429989
LS10 3DY 53.76648400 -1.52423200 20 50 431459 430120
LS10 3DZ 53.76512800 -1.52279500 N/A N/A 431555 429970
LS10 3EA 53.76551900 -1.52589700 37 85 431350 430012
LS10 3EB 53.76591400 -1.52563400 22 75 431367 430056
LS10 3ED 53.76706600 -1.52597000 29 45 431344 430184
LS10 3EE 53.76666000 -1.52573200 34 75 431360 430139
LS10 3EF 53.76667500 -1.52727900 13 43 431258 430140
LS10 3EG 53.76696900 -1.52888400 44 121 431152 430172
LS10 3EH 53.76841900 -1.52724500 27 69 431259 430334
LS10 3EJ 53.76810100 -1.52642900 24 77 431313 430299
LS10 3EL 53.76796300 -1.52797800 24 61 431211 430283
LS10 3EN 53.76808200 -1.52846200 22 57 431179 430296
LS10 3EP 53.74945500 -1.53447900 5 12 430796 428221
LS10 3EQ 53.76722400 -1.52727300 56 153 431258 430201
LS10 3ER 53.76920900 -1.52929900 5 23 431123 430421
LS10 3ES 53.76937700 -1.52852400 23 50 431174 430440
LS10 3ET 53.76989800 -1.52896200 N/A N/A 431145 430498
LS10 3EU 53.76985500 -1.52946300 11 23 431112 430493
LS10 3EW 53.76900400 -1.52969600 6 16 431097 430398
LS10 3EX 53.76989900 -1.52886700 5 11 431151 430498
LS10 3EY 53.76963300 -1.53013300 32 65 431068 430468
LS10 3HA 53.75893500 -1.53184500 17 41 430963 429277
LS10 3HB 53.75010000 -1.53607900 19 47 430690 428292
LS10 3HD 53.75734000 -1.51898200 26 50 431812 429105
LS10 3HE 53.75055900 -1.53643800 16 40 430666 428343
LS10 3HF 53.76200100 -1.52757900 8 21 431242 429620
LS10 3HG 53.76219800 -1.52934700 21 72 431125 429641
LS10 3HJ 53.76254800 -1.52919200 15 45 431135 429680
LS10 3HL 53.76326200 -1.52794000 13 43 431217 429760
LS10 3HN 53.76319200 -1.52839600 22 78 431187 429752
LS10 3HP 53.76363000 -1.53009000 32 50 431075 429800
LS10 3HQ 53.76170100 -1.53080900 N/A N/A 431029 429585
LS10 3HR 53.76316400 -1.53033800 37 133 431059 429748
LS10 3HS 53.76317900 -1.53182400 8 12 430961 429749
LS10 3HT 53.76324500 -1.53259700 17 23 430910 429756
LS10 3HU 53.76260500 -1.52313800 6 20 431534 429689
LS10 3HW 53.76377000 -1.52889000 15 17 431154 429816
LS10 3HX 53.76179200 -1.52202500 37 85 431608 429599
LS10 3HY 53.76206900 -1.52379700 6 17 431491 429629
LS10 3HZ 53.76174300 -1.52337600 11 28 431519 429593
LS10 3JA 53.76188200 -1.52481900 N/A N/A 431424 429608
LS10 3JB 53.76066500 -1.52386200 13 26 431488 429473
LS10 3JD 53.76011000 -1.52400100 6 16 431479 429411
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