NP20 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP20 1 is a postcode sector in Newport, UK. Below is a complete list of NP20 1 Postcodes (Active). NP20 1 postcode sector comprises of 126 active postcodes. NP20 1 sector has a population of 684, and it has 322 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP20 1 postcode sector

NP20 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 684
Addresses / Property Count 322
Active Postcodes 126
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of NP20 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-126 of 126 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP20 1LS 51.58293000 -2.99246200 N/A N/A 331331 187586
NP20 1LT 51.58259800 -2.99355200 11 11 331255 187550
NP20 1LU 51.58257900 -2.99280700 4 7 331307 187547
NP20 1LW 51.58354600 -2.99327600 3 3 331276 187655
NP20 1LX 51.58416100 -2.99386600 1 2 331236 187724
NP20 1LY 51.58448300 -2.99410400 3 6 331220 187760
NP20 1LZ 51.58443400 -2.99564800 11 31 331113 187756
NP20 1NA 51.58296600 -2.99252100 11 21 331327 187590
NP20 1PA 51.58555500 -2.99361600 N/A N/A 331255 187879
NP20 1PW 51.58643700 -2.99460300 N/A N/A 331188 187978
NP20 1PX 51.58616100 -2.99426500 N/A N/A 331211 187947
NP20 1QY 51.58689300 -2.99598400 N/A N/A 331093 188030
NP20 1RL 51.58629100 -2.99483000 N/A N/A 331172 187962
NP20 1RN 51.58995000 -2.99706100 N/A N/A 331023 188371
NP20 1SS 51.58636300 -2.99487500 N/A N/A 331169 187970
NP20 1TE 51.58729500 -2.99837400 0 2 330928 188077
NP20 1TP 51.58688800 -2.99651800 1 2 331056 188030
NP20 1TS 51.58579400 -2.99519500 N/A N/A 331146 187907
NP20 1UE 51.58620600 -2.99539200 N/A N/A 331133 187953
NP20 1UH 51.58560200 -2.99126500 N/A N/A 331418 187882
NP20 1WR 51.58450500 -2.99230900 N/A N/A 331344 187761
NP20 1WX 51.58568300 -2.99445600 N/A N/A 331197 187894
NP20 1YD 51.58656800 -2.99508200 N/A N/A 331155 187993
NP20 1YN 51.58920100 -2.99736200 N/A N/A 331001 188288
NP20 1YP 51.59127200 -2.99704700 N/A N/A 331026 188518
NP20 1ZB 51.59127200 -2.99704700 N/A N/A 331026 188518
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