PA23 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PA23 7 is a postcode sector in Argyll and Bute, UK. Below is a complete list of PA23 7 Postcodes (Active). PA23 7 postcode sector comprises of 190 active postcodes. PA23 7 sector has a population of 5438, and it has 2555 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PA23 7 postcode sector

PA23 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5438
Addresses / Property Count 2555
Active Postcodes 190
Nearby Postcode Districts 77
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of PA23 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-190 of 190 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PA23 7SF 55.88482000 -4.96975700 24 56 214356 669729
PA23 7SG 55.89611500 -4.95724600 4 13 215192 670952
PA23 7SH 55.89189200 -4.96141400 27 54 214911 670493
PA23 7SJ 55.89401100 -4.95875000 17 38 215088 670722
PA23 7SL 55.88754600 -4.97076500 11 16 214306 670035
PA23 7SN 55.88946400 -4.96280200 8 13 214813 670227
PA23 7SP 55.88797000 -4.96398400 37 86 214732 670064
PA23 7SR 55.88491400 -4.96857600 21 44 214430 669736
PA23 7SS 55.88264100 -4.97213400 21 50 214197 669493
PA23 7ST 55.88051100 -4.97397000 37 90 214072 669261
PA23 7SU 55.87920900 -4.97540500 8 10 213976 669120
PA23 7SW 55.87828100 -4.97549400 5 11 213966 669017
PA23 7SX 55.87924000 -4.97446400 7 17 214035 669121
PA23 7SY 55.89004200 -4.96244100 8 17 214838 670290
PA23 7SZ 55.89755500 -4.95566000 13 27 215298 671108
PA23 7TA 55.89309500 -4.95796000 4 12 215133 670618
PA23 7TB 55.88204700 -4.97288800 2 5 214147 669429
PA23 7TD 55.90755200 -4.95000300 8 21 215699 672205
PA23 7TE 55.89548100 -4.95409400 N/A N/A 215386 670873
PA23 7TF 55.88391700 -4.97101600 N/A N/A 214273 669632
PA23 7TG 55.90293300 -4.95070900 N/A N/A 215633 671693
PA23 7TH 55.89521900 -4.95375400 5 10 215406 670843
PA23 7TJ 55.89670200 -4.95300300 22 35 215460 671006
PA23 7TL 55.89984300 -4.95098600 51 87 215601 671350
PA23 7TN 55.90560700 -4.95016000 8 18 215680 671989
PA23 7TP 55.89433100 -4.95515800 26 42 215314 670748
PA23 7TQ 55.88597200 -4.96858200 N/A N/A 214435 669854
PA23 7TR 55.89165600 -4.95911400 25 45 215054 670461
PA23 7TS 55.88728500 -4.96778600 N/A N/A 214491 669998
PA23 7UA 55.87315300 -4.97713200 30 72 213839 668451
PA23 7UB 55.86428500 -4.98076400 21 45 213569 667474
PA23 7UD 55.86283200 -4.98275200 14 31 213438 667318
PA23 7UE 55.87004800 -4.99171500 4 11 212912 668145
PA23 7UG 55.86463100 -4.99564700 22 51 212640 667553
PA23 7UJ 55.88075300 -5.02498200 11 37 210883 669426
PA23 7UL 55.88971100 -5.04001800 2 4 209987 670464
PA23 7UN 55.94976500 -5.06738000 6 19 208573 677220
PA23 7UP 55.86813800 -4.97932200 6 15 213678 667899
PA23 7UR 55.86631800 -4.98592300 1 2 213256 667714
PA23 7YH 55.95115000 -4.92818400 N/A N/A 217268 676997
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