PE12 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE12 9 is a postcode sector in South Holland, UK. Below is a complete list of PE12 9 Postcodes (Active). PE12 9 postcode sector comprises of 302 active postcodes. PE12 9 sector has a population of 11286, and it has 4952 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE12 9 postcode sector

PE12 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 11286
Addresses / Property Count 4952
Active Postcodes 302
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of PE12 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 302 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE12 9LP 52.76989400 0.18241300 N/A N/A 547332 321377
PE12 9LQ 52.79958300 0.13009200 49 119 543705 324573
PE12 9LS 52.80722200 0.12178500 2 5 543120 325406
PE12 9LU 52.80373900 0.12249100 6 20 543179 325020
PE12 9LW 52.81915400 0.12912200 N/A N/A 543575 326748
PE12 9LX 52.80644400 0.12204400 14 30 543140 325320
PE12 9LY 52.78370300 0.12908100 61 112 543689 322805
PE12 9LZ 52.78504900 0.12919100 39 97 543692 322955
PE12 9NA 52.81525700 0.14448100 3 11 544623 326345
PE12 9NB 52.82048500 0.13681300 3 10 544089 326911
PE12 9ND 52.82659700 0.12770400 1 3 543455 327573
PE12 9NE 52.83195500 0.12398500 17 43 543187 328162
PE12 9NG 52.83144900 0.11151900 3 8 542349 328080
PE12 9NH 52.80906800 0.12419000 N/A N/A 543276 325616
PE12 9NJ 52.85642500 0.12868400 11 31 543423 330892
PE12 9NL 52.84926200 0.14251700 8 30 544378 330123
PE12 9NN 52.85155700 0.14540800 16 36 544565 330385
PE12 9NP 52.82818700 0.19079400 10 28 547700 327878
PE12 9NQ 52.84827600 0.11631600 1 27 542617 329962
PE12 9NR 52.81848600 0.19536900 3 13 548041 326808
PE12 9NS 52.81489000 0.18824100 7 22 547573 326393
PE12 9NT 52.81662100 0.17215400 18 40 546483 326553
PE12 9NU 52.80785100 0.12285500 14 35 543190 325478
PE12 9NW 52.84348800 0.16590400 18 41 545972 329528
PE12 9NX 52.78312900 0.11892500 17 29 543006 322721
PE12 9PA 52.83680900 0.13955900 11 28 544220 328732
PE12 9PB 52.83658700 0.13689000 N/A N/A 544041 328702
PE12 9PD 52.84002700 0.16392000 66 154 545850 329140
PE12 9PE 52.84084900 0.16516400 15 41 545931 329233
PE12 9PF 52.84092900 0.16742800 8 23 546083 329247
PE12 9PG 52.84051800 0.17096800 11 17 546323 329208
PE12 9PH 52.84048600 0.17301800 8 15 546461 329209
PE12 9PJ 52.83948700 0.17427200 29 67 546549 329100
PE12 9PL 52.84000000 0.16564400 10 34 545966 329140
PE12 9PN 52.84273600 0.16870200 17 50 546163 329451
PE12 9PP 52.80806800 0.12559800 3 5 543374 325508
PE12 9PQ 52.84140600 0.17186100 7 18 546380 329309
PE12 9PT 52.80742900 0.12632100 14 31 543425 325438
PE12 9PU 52.80781400 0.12491500 4 9 543329 325478
PE12 9PW 52.80715800 0.12521200 5 15 543351 325406
PE12 9PX 52.84009100 0.17048900 3 6 546292 329160
PE12 9PY 52.76837500 0.18484200 9 28 547501 321213
PE12 9PZ 52.76919800 0.18368100 16 45 547420 321302
PE12 9QA 52.77586300 0.19279300 20 40 548012 322062
PE12 9QB 52.77961900 0.19879400 4 11 548404 322492
PE12 9QD 52.78568600 0.18428500 3 4 547405 323137
PE12 9QE 52.78357400 0.19398100 18 40 548066 322922
PE12 9QF 52.79358200 0.17785700 7 16 546945 324002
PE12 9QG 52.80320500 0.17183900 12 29 546507 325060
PE12 9QH 52.77163300 0.19680600 4 10 548297 321600
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