RG18 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RG18 0 is a postcode sector in West Berkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of RG18 0 Postcodes (Active). RG18 0 postcode sector comprises of 70 active postcodes. RG18 0 sector has a population of 1208, and it has 474 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RG18 0 postcode sector

RG18 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1208
Addresses / Property Count 474
Active Postcodes 70
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of RG18 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-70 of 70 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RG18 0UQ 51.46655400 -1.20710700 1 3 455175 174474
RG18 0UR 51.46687300 -1.20105500 12 35 455595 174514
RG18 0UT 51.46748800 -1.19632200 14 26 455923 174586
RG18 0UU 51.46578000 -1.19773400 1 6 455827 174395
RG18 0UW 51.46774000 -1.19368300 6 12 456106 174616
RG18 0UX 51.46524600 -1.19725400 N/A N/A 455861 174336
RG18 0UY 51.46554600 -1.19766600 N/A N/A 455832 174369
RG18 0XA 51.47451100 -1.19118800 2 6 456271 175371
RG18 0XB 51.46682500 -1.18752400 10 22 456535 174519
RG18 0XD 51.46509300 -1.18414300 23 56 456772 174329
RG18 0XE 51.46131400 -1.17859600 3 6 457162 173913
RG18 0XF 51.46416300 -1.17585300 6 22 457349 174232
RG18 0XL 51.46614200 -1.20595700 2 3 455255 174429
RG18 0XP 51.46599600 -1.20573500 2 5 455271 174413
RG18 0XR 51.46566600 -1.20601400 7 17 455252 174376
RG18 0XS 51.46449400 -1.20302500 3 16 455461 174248
RG18 0XT 51.46288200 -1.20260700 15 32 455492 174069
RG18 0XU 51.45764300 -1.19774700 3 9 455836 173490
RG18 0XX 51.45504000 -1.20501800 5 15 455334 173195
RG18 0XY 51.45247100 -1.20009700 1 2 455679 172913
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