RG4 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RG4 6 is a postcode sector in Reading, UK. Below is a complete list of RG4 6 Postcodes (Active). RG4 6 postcode sector comprises of 180 active postcodes. RG4 6 sector has a population of 7339, and it has 2786 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RG4 6 postcode sector

RG4 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7339
Addresses / Property Count 2786
Active Postcodes 180
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of RG4 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 180 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RG4 6NP 51.47578400 -0.94412300 11 29 473428 175731
RG4 6NQ 51.48243600 -0.96197100 23 41 472178 176453
RG4 6NR 51.47646600 -0.94495700 13 29 473369 175806
RG4 6NS 51.47677100 -0.94388400 11 31 473443 175841
RG4 6NT 51.47716200 -0.94437900 9 22 473408 175884
RG4 6NU 51.47669400 -0.94531100 11 25 473344 175831
RG4 6NX 51.47720200 -0.94580400 10 24 473309 175887
RG4 6NY 51.47821700 -0.94667300 19 44 473247 175999
RG4 6NZ 51.47592200 -0.94640900 19 47 473269 175744
RG4 6PA 51.47764000 -0.94851500 18 55 473120 175933
RG4 6PB 51.48010100 -0.95218800 36 112 472861 176203
RG4 6PD 51.47874500 -0.94836000 26 77 473129 176056
RG4 6PE 51.47911200 -0.94822200 19 38 473138 176097
RG4 6PF 51.48266700 -0.95355500 N/A N/A 472762 176487
RG4 6PG 51.47913800 -0.95012200 15 34 473006 176098
RG4 6PH 51.47813000 -0.94903700 18 54 473083 175987
RG4 6PJ 51.47834600 -0.94805300 14 47 473151 176012
RG4 6PL 51.47937800 -0.94877800 25 66 473099 176126
RG4 6PN 51.47903100 -0.94717300 9 24 473211 176089
RG4 6PP 51.48099800 -0.94889900 29 79 473088 176306
RG4 6PQ 51.48331100 -0.95728500 26 68 472502 176555
RG4 6PR 51.48030800 -0.94822300 7 17 473136 176230
RG4 6PS 51.48034100 -0.94986400 17 42 473022 176232
RG4 6PT 51.48019500 -0.94865800 15 52 473106 176217
RG4 6PU 51.47990900 -0.94984500 18 54 473024 176184
RG4 6PW 51.48380600 -0.95422000 22 61 472714 176613
RG4 6PX 51.47965600 -0.95067200 15 33 472967 176155
RG4 6PY 51.48034200 -0.95201000 22 61 472873 176230
RG4 6PZ 51.48390100 -0.95583100 46 118 472602 176622
RG4 6QA 51.48057700 -0.95010400 15 37 473005 176258
RG4 6QB 51.48111400 -0.94990400 7 18 473018 176318
RG4 6QD 51.48112900 -0.95150200 20 72 472907 176318
RG4 6QE 51.48109400 -0.95043200 8 23 472981 176315
RG4 6QF 51.48084500 -0.95099000 13 39 472943 176287
RG4 6QG 51.48119400 -0.95273900 16 39 472821 176324
RG4 6QH 51.48168500 -0.95137400 12 25 472915 176380
RG4 6QJ 51.48208200 -0.95149500 33 88 472906 176424
RG4 6QL 51.48393200 -0.95528300 12 28 472640 176626
RG4 6QN 51.48495400 -0.95691600 21 60 472525 176738
RG4 6QP 51.48361700 -0.96129600 5 14 472223 176585
RG4 6QR 51.48315600 -0.96109000 25 30 472238 176534
RG4 6QS 51.48450100 -0.95352800 17 49 472761 176691
RG4 6QT 51.48083200 -0.94645400 22 59 473258 176290
RG4 6QW 51.48417500 -0.95729400 21 53 472500 176651
RG4 6QX 51.48226800 -0.94614800 7 16 473277 176450
RG4 6QZ 51.48188900 -0.94899400 13 30 473080 176405
RG4 6RA 51.48243500 -0.94775700 47 122 473165 176467
RG4 6RB 51.48291500 -0.94717000 13 38 473205 176521
RG4 6RD 51.48302600 -0.94646200 10 27 473254 176534
RG4 6RE 51.48160300 -0.94822200 17 45 473134 176374
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