RH10 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RH10 5 is a postcode sector in Crawley, UK. Below is a complete list of RH10 5 Postcodes (Active). RH10 5 postcode sector comprises of 138 active postcodes. RH10 5 sector has a population of 6109, and it has 2468 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RH10 5 postcode sector

RH10 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6109
Addresses / Property Count 2468
Active Postcodes 138
Nearby Postcode Districts 20
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of RH10 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-138 of 138 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RH10 5JW 51.09922300 -0.18011100 17 50 527524 134899
RH10 5JX 51.09903000 -0.18329000 28 57 527302 134872
RH10 5JY 51.10147200 -0.17898000 23 50 527597 135151
RH10 5JZ 51.10064600 -0.17849800 31 71 527633 135060
RH10 5LA 51.10019400 -0.17775900 11 31 527686 135011
RH10 5LB 51.10094100 -0.17725800 33 97 527719 135095
RH10 5LD 51.10156000 -0.17600600 39 88 527805 135166
RH10 5LE 51.10084100 -0.17602000 8 24 527806 135086
RH10 5LF 51.10080400 -0.17536400 7 17 527852 135083
RH10 5LG 51.10035800 -0.17563900 8 13 527834 135033
RH10 5LH 51.09957200 -0.17824100 5 11 527654 134941
RH10 5LJ 51.09953300 -0.17750000 11 30 527706 134938
RH10 5LN 51.09946200 -0.17696000 28 64 527744 134931
RH10 5LP 51.09938800 -0.17509100 27 64 527875 134926
RH10 5LQ 51.10039600 -0.17686600 17 39 527748 135035
RH10 5LR 51.09855900 -0.17675200 16 44 527761 134831
RH10 5LS 51.09882300 -0.17695600 13 35 527746 134860
RH10 5LT 51.09851200 -0.17625500 8 22 527796 134827
RH10 5LU 51.09826800 -0.17653500 16 48 527777 134799
RH10 5LW 51.09969700 -0.17586500 24 54 527820 134959
RH10 5LX 51.09761100 -0.17880300 22 63 527620 134722
RH10 5LY 51.09681600 -0.18149100 7 14 527434 134629
RH10 5NF 51.10320600 -0.18234000 18 46 527357 135338
RH10 5NG 51.10408400 -0.18159200 17 46 527407 135437
RH10 5NH 51.10526800 -0.18135900 20 55 527420 135569
RH10 5NJ 51.10473900 -0.18202300 20 63 527375 135509
RH10 5NL 51.10460200 -0.18250000 33 76 527342 135493
RH10 5NN 51.10432200 -0.18322600 30 80 527292 135461
RH10 5NP 51.10606200 -0.18098500 20 66 527444 135658
RH10 5NQ 51.10409000 -0.18082000 28 75 527461 135439
RH10 5NR 51.10671900 -0.18156000 28 79 527402 135730
RH10 5NS 51.10611000 -0.18002600 24 74 527511 135665
RH10 5NT 51.10549600 -0.18096500 10 23 527447 135595
RH10 5NW 51.10554100 -0.18273400 27 64 527323 135597
RH10 5NY 51.08161000 -0.17693300 21 50 527795 132946
RH10 5PG 51.09734400 -0.17612900 1 6 527808 134697
RH10 5PH 51.09560800 -0.18668100 1 2 527074 134486
RH10 5PQ 51.09510200 -0.17961700 7 10 527570 134442
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