RH10 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

RH10 9 is a postcode sector in Crawley, UK. Below is a complete list of RH10 9 Postcodes (Active). RH10 9 postcode sector comprises of 125 active postcodes. RH10 9 sector has a population of 36, and it has 17 properties in the region.

Browse Information On RH10 9 postcode sector

RH10 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 36
Addresses / Property Count 17
Active Postcodes 125
Nearby Postcode Districts 20
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of RH10 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-125 of 125 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
RH10 9ST 51.13949300 -0.18318900 N/A N/A 527198 139372
RH10 9SW 51.14093400 -0.18421800 2 5 527122 139530
RH10 9SX 51.13108900 -0.17227000 N/A N/A 527985 138456
RH10 9SY 51.12792800 -0.16853600 N/A N/A 528255 138111
RH10 9TA 51.13104400 -0.18640800 N/A N/A 526996 138427
RH10 9TF 51.13303300 -0.17815300 N/A N/A 527568 138662
RH10 9TG 51.13772200 -0.18937600 1 5 526770 139164
RH10 9TN 51.13293800 -0.17318300 N/A N/A 527916 138660
RH10 9TP 51.13914700 -0.16197400 N/A N/A 528683 139370
RH10 9TR 51.14021500 -0.18567700 N/A N/A 527022 139448
RH10 9TS 51.13396300 -0.17344400 N/A N/A 527895 138774
RH10 9TT 51.13057300 -0.17404900 N/A N/A 527862 138396
RH10 9TU 51.13142100 -0.17278600 N/A N/A 527948 138492
RH10 9TX 51.13240500 -0.17384800 N/A N/A 527871 138600
RH10 9TY 51.13339800 -0.17498000 N/A N/A 527789 138708
RH10 9TZ 51.14118400 -0.16708300 N/A N/A 528320 139588
RH10 9UA 51.13906200 -0.16193500 N/A N/A 528686 139361
RH10 9UH 51.13543400 -0.18334800 N/A N/A 527198 138920
RH10 9UY 51.13522900 -0.18692900 N/A N/A 526948 138891
RH10 9WE 51.13185700 -0.17654200 N/A N/A 527684 138534
RH10 9XA 51.13522900 -0.18692900 N/A N/A 526948 138891
RH10 9XN 51.13267700 -0.16709100 N/A N/A 528343 138642
RH10 9XY 51.13522900 -0.18692900 N/A N/A 526948 138891
RH10 9YX 51.13438400 -0.17535600 N/A N/A 527760 138817
RH10 9ZX 51.14009000 -0.16702500 N/A N/A 528327 139466
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