S13 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

S13 7 is a postcode sector in Sheffield, UK. Below is a complete list of S13 7 Postcodes (Active). S13 7 postcode sector comprises of 192 active postcodes. S13 7 sector has a population of 9703, and it has 4454 properties in the region.

Browse Information On S13 7 postcode sector

S13 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9703
Addresses / Property Count 4454
Active Postcodes 192
Nearby Postcode Districts 55
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of S13 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 192 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
S13 7GB 53.35864600 -1.37983800 49 64 441372 384820
S13 7GD 53.35876400 -1.37638000 12 26 441602 384835
S13 7GE 53.35931700 -1.37919700 3 4 441414 384895
S13 7GF 53.35915000 -1.37652500 17 37 441592 384878
S13 7GG 53.36020000 -1.38291000 37 94 441166 384991
S13 7GH 53.35980300 -1.38094800 15 40 441297 384948
S13 7GJ 53.36096900 -1.38393600 35 96 441097 385076
S13 7GL 53.35962100 -1.38219700 24 46 441214 384927
S13 7GN 53.36072900 -1.38276700 24 67 441175 385050
S13 7GP 53.36053200 -1.38111700 16 35 441285 385029
S13 7GQ 53.35962800 -1.38183700 8 20 441238 384928
S13 7GR 53.36175400 -1.38108500 32 82 441286 385165
S13 7GS 53.36165900 -1.38191300 36 120 441231 385154
S13 7GT 53.36094100 -1.38211800 40 110 441218 385074
S13 7GU 53.36005000 -1.38014800 15 40 441350 384976
S13 7GW 53.35908800 -1.38509000 7 14 441022 384866
S13 7GX 53.35902800 -1.38399400 26 56 441095 384860
S13 7JA 53.35963500 -1.37454900 11 27 441723 384933
S13 7JB 53.36061400 -1.37612800 31 73 441617 385041
S13 7JD 53.36070700 -1.37671200 46 99 441578 385051
S13 7JE 53.36075600 -1.37405200 30 80 441755 385058
S13 7JF 53.36018500 -1.37323400 51 66 441810 384995
S13 7JG 53.35987400 -1.37550700 9 23 441659 384959
S13 7JH 53.36055000 -1.37262800 34 68 441850 385036
S13 7JJ 53.36075400 -1.37209900 32 75 441885 385059
S13 7JL 53.35921200 -1.37266200 4 8 441849 384887
S13 7JN 53.35967200 -1.37310600 44 55 441819 384938
S13 7JP 53.35902200 -1.37415200 N/A N/A 441750 384865
S13 7JQ 53.35893300 -1.37086300 3 6 441969 384857
S13 7JR 53.35917400 -1.37061900 17 22 441985 384884
S13 7JS 53.35871100 -1.37137700 16 35 441935 384832
S13 7JT 53.35608400 -1.37120600 74 106 441949 384540
S13 7JW 53.35826400 -1.37206000 15 29 441890 384782
S13 7JX 53.35875500 -1.36960400 9 14 442053 384838
S13 7JY 53.35702600 -1.37251400 60 95 441861 384644
S13 7LA 53.35807500 -1.37009400 N/A N/A 442021 384762
S13 7LB 53.35812000 -1.36850100 1 5 442127 384768
S13 7LE 53.35945800 -1.37002900 20 38 442024 384916
S13 7LF 53.35992200 -1.36945100 19 44 442062 384968
S13 7LG 53.36163600 -1.37061300 38 88 441983 385158
S13 7LH 53.36118300 -1.36982300 20 48 442036 385108
S13 7LJ 53.36185300 -1.36901700 22 44 442089 385183
S13 7LL 53.36107300 -1.36949400 21 61 442058 385096
S13 7LN 53.36089700 -1.36841500 30 78 442130 385077
S13 7LP 53.36078700 -1.37143700 38 81 441929 385063
S13 7LQ 53.35794400 -1.37095300 25 41 441964 384747
S13 7LR 53.35745600 -1.37059900 81 124 441988 384693
S13 7LS 53.35825400 -1.36681600 31 38 442239 384784
S13 7LT 53.35896500 -1.37200500 27 37 441893 384860
S13 7LY 53.35765300 -1.37203900 N/A N/A 441892 384714
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