SO41 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SO41 9 is a postcode sector in New Forest, UK. Below is a complete list of SO41 9 Postcodes (Active). SO41 9 postcode sector comprises of 229 active postcodes. SO41 9 sector has a population of 6375, and it has 3125 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SO41 9 postcode sector

SO41 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6375
Addresses / Property Count 3125
Active Postcodes 229
Nearby Postcode Districts 30
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SO41 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 229 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SO41 9GF 50.75714600 -1.54958100 18 35 431868 95380
SO41 9GG 50.75883500 -1.54921900 17 40 431892 95568
SO41 9GH 50.75901800 -1.54996900 56 115 431839 95588
SO41 9GJ 50.76004100 -1.54728500 22 43 432028 95703
SO41 9GL 50.76108400 -1.54461800 16 19 432215 95820
SO41 9GN 50.76004900 -1.54455700 38 44 432220 95705
SO41 9GP 50.76109400 -1.54726900 17 41 432028 95820
SO41 9GQ 50.76173500 -1.55034000 13 38 431811 95890
SO41 9GR 50.76215200 -1.55114400 10 29 431754 95936
SO41 9GS 50.76133100 -1.55269700 21 53 431645 95844
SO41 9GT 50.76122000 -1.55422900 16 47 431537 95831
SO41 9GU 50.76168300 -1.55328100 10 27 431604 95883
SO41 9GW 50.76236100 -1.55399200 14 33 431553 95958
SO41 9GX 50.76210200 -1.55222200 12 33 431678 95930
SO41 9GY 50.76329100 -1.55036700 12 17 431808 96063
SO41 9GZ 50.76482300 -1.55103300 12 26 431760 96233
SO41 9HA 50.76692300 -1.55262100 2 5 431647 96466
SO41 9HB 50.76164400 -1.55718000 1 2 431329 95877
SO41 9HD 50.76526700 -1.54979500 17 38 431847 96283
SO41 9HE 50.75806500 -1.55242200 24 60 431667 95481
SO41 9HF 50.75837900 -1.55220100 32 76 431682 95516
SO41 9HG 50.75894000 -1.55062200 24 46 431793 95579
SO41 9HH 50.75990400 -1.55121300 7 17 431751 95686
SO41 9HJ 50.75900000 -1.55237100 30 57 431670 95585
SO41 9HL 50.75918200 -1.55284500 26 64 431636 95605
SO41 9HN 50.75993700 -1.55259700 19 57 431653 95689
SO41 9HP 50.76008500 -1.55381500 19 43 431567 95705
SO41 9HQ 50.75805500 -1.55441500 17 33 431526 95479
SO41 9HR 50.75823300 -1.55394600 21 49 431559 95499
SO41 9HS 50.75707500 -1.55224200 7 14 431680 95371
SO41 9HT 50.75680200 -1.55352000 21 41 431590 95340
SO41 9HU 50.75724500 -1.55422500 9 21 431540 95389
SO41 9HW 50.75726800 -1.55552900 13 31 431448 95391
SO41 9HX 50.75760200 -1.55593700 9 24 431419 95428
SO41 9HY 50.75644000 -1.55535200 38 62 431461 95299
SO41 9HZ 50.75646000 -1.55603300 10 22 431413 95301
SO41 9JA 50.75614700 -1.55629100 11 19 431395 95266
SO41 9JB 50.75624200 -1.55770700 26 50 431295 95276
SO41 9JD 50.75670700 -1.55693800 7 18 431349 95328
SO41 9JE 50.75663000 -1.55807200 11 31 431269 95319
SO41 9JF 50.75696400 -1.55843800 12 21 431243 95356
SO41 9JG 50.75720900 -1.55664900 9 26 431369 95384
SO41 9JH 50.75840300 -1.55838200 9 20 431246 95516
SO41 9JJ 50.75823500 -1.55689500 27 61 431351 95498
SO41 9JL 50.75831000 -1.55757500 6 7 431303 95506
SO41 9JN 50.75990700 -1.55672300 23 54 431362 95684
SO41 9JP 50.75981900 -1.55726300 16 26 431324 95674
SO41 9JQ 50.76076400 -1.55980600 27 58 431144 95778
SO41 9JR 50.76059100 -1.55914100 18 40 431191 95759
SO41 9JS 50.76003100 -1.55859300 7 10 431230 95697
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