SW15 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW15 1 is a postcode sector in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW15 1 Postcodes (Active). SW15 1 postcode sector comprises of 189 active postcodes. SW15 1 sector has a population of 9574, and it has 4125 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW15 1 postcode sector

SW15 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9574
Addresses / Property Count 4125
Active Postcodes 189
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SW15 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-189 of 189 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW15 1QG 51.46578900 -0.22303700 39 97 523532 175588
SW15 1QH 51.46635400 -0.22464700 39 101 523419 175648
SW15 1QJ 51.46547500 -0.22369700 15 44 523487 175552
SW15 1QL 51.46507000 -0.22364100 27 70 523492 175507
SW15 1QP 51.46596900 -0.22543500 17 43 523365 175604
SW15 1QQ 51.46597600 -0.22343800 43 96 523504 175608
SW15 1QR 51.46647600 -0.22508400 27 80 523388 175661
SW15 1QS 51.46478500 -0.22200200 8 18 523607 175478
SW15 1QW 51.46571300 -0.22574700 22 58 523344 175575
SW15 1RB 51.46364000 -0.21596600 14 24 524029 175361
SW15 1RG 51.46267800 -0.21651200 21 60 523994 175253
SW15 1RH 51.46267500 -0.21754400 29 56 523922 175251
SW15 1RJ 51.46296400 -0.21874700 16 21 523838 175281
SW15 1RL 51.46326600 -0.21972300 35 94 523769 175313
SW15 1RN 51.46236800 -0.21801700 35 97 523890 175216
SW15 1RR 51.46208000 -0.21684700 8 21 523972 175186
SW15 1RS 51.46151800 -0.21715700 8 16 523952 175123
SW15 1RT 51.46115000 -0.21658600 6 11 523993 175083
SW15 1RW 51.46288100 -0.21982500 25 82 523763 175270
SW15 1SE 51.46397000 -0.21576600 3 5 524042 175398
SW15 1SF 51.46447100 -0.21552100 2 6 524058 175454
SW15 1SH 51.46492100 -0.21501400 N/A N/A 524092 175505
SW15 1SJ 51.46562100 -0.21551400 51 71 524055 175582
SW15 1SL 51.46571500 -0.21456500 26 50 524121 175594
SW15 1SN 51.46568400 -0.21371700 N/A N/A 524180 175592
SW15 1SP 51.46443300 -0.21481700 N/A N/A 524107 175451
SW15 1SQ 51.46498400 -0.21496800 13 25 524095 175512
SW15 1SR 51.46367700 -0.21536500 21 45 524071 175366
SW15 1SS 51.46292700 -0.21575400 6 20 524046 175282
SW15 1SU 51.46211600 -0.21623200 24 51 524015 175191
SW15 1SX 51.46538000 -0.21562500 10 17 524048 175555
SW15 1SY 51.46508700 -0.21586600 15 22 524032 175522
SW15 1SZ 51.46537000 -0.21316800 N/A N/A 524219 175558
SW15 1TE 51.46091000 -0.21672500 N/A N/A 523984 175056
SW15 1TW 51.46372900 -0.21648100 1 2 523993 175370
SW15 1UA 51.46420000 -0.22677000 2 13 523277 175405
SW15 1UT 51.46049600 -0.21856400 N/A N/A 523857 175007
SW15 1WA 51.46049600 -0.21856400 N/A N/A 523857 175007
SW15 1XP 51.46803300 -0.22693800 11 21 523255 175831
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