SW5 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW5 9 is a postcode sector in Kensington and Chelsea, UK. Below is a complete list of SW5 9 Postcodes (Active). SW5 9 postcode sector comprises of 156 active postcodes. SW5 9 sector has a population of 8605, and it has 4782 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW5 9 postcode sector

SW5 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8605
Addresses / Property Count 4782
Active Postcodes 156
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of SW5 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 156 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW5 9QH 51.49417200 -0.19544600 35 71 525371 178791
SW5 9QJ 51.49456400 -0.19650600 90 136 525296 178833
SW5 9QL 51.49413300 -0.19771900 73 144 525213 178783
SW5 9QN 51.49398700 -0.19869000 43 84 525146 178765
SW5 9QQ 51.49364600 -0.19513600 19 26 525394 178733
SW5 9QR 51.49415100 -0.19938000 35 66 525098 178782
SW5 9QS 51.49350600 -0.19952100 68 113 525090 178710
SW5 9QT 51.49323600 -0.20014600 56 92 525047 178679
SW5 9QW 51.49453300 -0.19914400 7 29 525113 178825
SW5 9QZ 51.49419000 -0.19557000 4 14 525362 178793
SW5 9RD 51.49238000 -0.19293900 N/A N/A 525550 178596
SW5 9RE 51.49249900 -0.19318800 N/A N/A 525532 178609
SW5 9RF 51.49260200 -0.19345800 7 9 525513 178620
SW5 9RH 51.49346100 -0.19436000 34 47 525448 178714
SW5 9RL 51.49382700 -0.19473500 N/A N/A 525421 178754
SW5 9RP 51.49400800 -0.19480000 27 65 525416 178774
SW5 9RQ 51.49296800 -0.19383200 11 28 525486 178660
SW5 9RU 51.49310800 -0.19363900 3 6 525499 178676
SW5 9RX 51.49344500 -0.19385700 19 48 525483 178713
SW5 9RY 51.49371700 -0.19404800 32 51 525469 178743
SW5 9RZ 51.49346000 -0.19424500 6 13 525456 178714
SW5 9SB 51.49354500 -0.19569700 63 130 525355 178721
SW5 9SD 51.49309600 -0.19681400 54 103 525279 178669
SW5 9SF 51.49255400 -0.19850200 29 44 525163 178606
SW5 9SG 51.49233900 -0.19914400 42 75 525119 178581
SW5 9SH 51.49279600 -0.19898700 50 87 525129 178632
SW5 9SJ 51.49340800 -0.19731600 52 117 525243 178703
SW5 9SL 51.49382200 -0.19614700 61 124 525323 178751
SW5 9SQ 51.49258000 -0.19959500 29 54 525087 178607
SW5 9ST 51.49140400 -0.19334700 36 79 525524 178487
SW5 9SU 51.49100800 -0.19388100 37 69 525488 178442
SW5 9SX 51.49049900 -0.19459700 112 166 525440 178384
SW5 9SY 51.49135600 -0.19431400 N/A N/A 525457 178480
SW5 9TB 51.49039000 -0.19636900 9 16 525317 178369
SW5 9TD 51.49070200 -0.19621200 22 41 525327 178404
SW5 9TE 51.49122700 -0.19527000 20 47 525391 178464
SW5 9TF 51.49107200 -0.19627000 34 76 525322 178445
SW5 9TG 51.48939000 -0.19743100 N/A N/A 525246 178256
SW5 9TH 51.49117900 -0.19679800 25 59 525285 178456
SW5 9TJ 51.49136700 -0.19733800 21 39 525247 178476
SW5 9TL 51.49157000 -0.19769100 19 39 525222 178498
SW5 9TQ 51.49107200 -0.19627000 26 56 525322 178445
SW5 9TT 51.49087800 -0.19303600 40 69 525547 178429
SW5 9TU 51.49027500 -0.19414000 48 104 525472 178360
SW5 9TY 51.49079100 -0.19319800 N/A N/A 525536 178419
SW5 9UB 51.49013800 -0.19522600 9 19 525397 178343
SW5 9UD 51.48982300 -0.19453800 43 54 525446 178309
SW5 9UE 51.48944000 -0.19365500 N/A N/A 525508 178268
SW5 9UG 51.48904800 -0.19324300 N/A N/A 525538 178225
SW5 9UH 51.48914000 -0.19286000 21 32 525564 178236
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