W1U 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 1 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 1 Postcodes (Active). W1U 1 postcode sector comprises of 131 active postcodes. W1U 1 sector has a population of 293, and it has 177 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 1 postcode sector

W1U 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 293
Addresses / Property Count 177
Active Postcodes 131
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-131 of 131 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 1NW 51.51569100 -0.15053100 N/A N/A 528428 181262
W1U 1NX 51.51542000 -0.15044100 N/A N/A 528435 181232
W1U 1NY 51.51521300 -0.15032400 N/A N/A 528444 181209
W1U 1NZ 51.51546500 -0.15044000 1 1 528435 181237
W1U 1PB 51.51660800 -0.14651600 N/A N/A 528704 181371
W1U 1PD 51.51616400 -0.14915700 N/A N/A 528522 181317
W1U 1PE 51.51656800 -0.14682000 N/A N/A 528683 181366
W1U 1PF 51.51656800 -0.14682000 2 4 528683 181366
W1U 1PG 51.51656800 -0.14682000 N/A N/A 528683 181366
W1U 1PH 51.51648200 -0.14709800 3 6 528664 181356
W1U 1PJ 51.51648200 -0.14709800 N/A N/A 528664 181356
W1U 1PL 51.51648200 -0.14709800 N/A N/A 528664 181356
W1U 1PN 51.51618500 -0.14809400 N/A N/A 528596 181321
W1U 1PP 51.51618400 -0.14811900 N/A N/A 528594 181321
W1U 1PQ 51.51648200 -0.14709800 N/A N/A 528664 181356
W1U 1PR 51.51616400 -0.14915700 N/A N/A 528522 181317
W1U 1PS 51.51616400 -0.14915700 N/A N/A 528522 181317
W1U 1PU 51.51605000 -0.14988300 2 6 528472 181303
W1U 1PW 51.51618400 -0.14811900 N/A N/A 528594 181321
W1U 1PY 51.51596700 -0.15036200 N/A N/A 528439 181293
W1U 1PZ 51.51595900 -0.15042000 N/A N/A 528435 181292
W1U 1QA 51.51589900 -0.15062400 1 3 528421 181285
W1U 1QB 51.51590400 -0.15075700 N/A N/A 528412 181285
W1U 1QE 51.51587600 -0.15087000 N/A N/A 528404 181282
W1U 1QR 51.51554100 -0.15244000 N/A N/A 528296 181242
W1U 1QS 51.51540100 -0.15323800 N/A N/A 528241 181225
W1U 1QT 51.51598400 -0.15026000 2 4 528446 181295
W1U 1QU 51.51554100 -0.15244000 N/A N/A 528296 181242
W1U 1QX 51.51618400 -0.14811900 N/A N/A 528594 181321
W1U 1QY 51.51529600 -0.15400600 N/A N/A 528188 181212
W1U 1QZ 51.51526100 -0.15403700 3 3 528186 181208
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