WS11 4 is a postcode sector in Cannock Chase, UK. Below is a complete list of WS11 4 Postcodes (Active). WS11 4 postcode sector comprises of 79 active postcodes. WS11 4 sector has a population of 4378, and it has 1773 properties in the region.
Population | 4378 |
Addresses / Property Count | 1773 |
Active Postcodes | 79 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 14 |
Nearby Postcode Sectors | 9 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
WS11 4PQ | 52.70505400 | -2.02979400 | 12 | 36 | 398084 | 311932 |
WS11 4PR | 52.70144700 | -2.03485200 | 11 | 26 | 397742 | 311531 |
WS11 4PS | 52.69782500 | -2.03189000 | 51 | 145 | 397942 | 311128 |
WS11 4PT | 52.69982000 | -2.03439200 | 30 | 57 | 397773 | 311350 |
WS11 4PU | 52.70023400 | -2.03412600 | 25 | 62 | 397791 | 311396 |
WS11 4PW | 52.71220000 | -2.03028700 | 32 | 88 | 398051 | 312727 |
WS11 4PX | 52.69950600 | -2.03285300 | 49 | 108 | 397877 | 311315 |
WS11 4PY | 52.69959600 | -2.03346000 | 11 | 22 | 397836 | 311325 |
WS11 4PZ | 52.69847300 | -2.03193500 | 41 | 147 | 397939 | 311200 |
WS11 4QA | 52.69967800 | -2.03024900 | 9 | 26 | 398053 | 311334 |
WS11 4QB | 52.70081900 | -2.03171400 | 55 | 153 | 397954 | 311461 |
WS11 4QD | 52.70161000 | -2.03340200 | 13 | 38 | 397840 | 311549 |
WS11 4QE | 52.70203300 | -2.03192200 | 66 | 185 | 397940 | 311596 |
WS11 4QF | 52.70189800 | -2.02977700 | 28 | 76 | 398085 | 311581 |
WS11 4QG | 52.70053200 | -2.03020500 | 4 | 16 | 398056 | 311429 |
WS11 4QH | 52.70090900 | -2.03011600 | 12 | 41 | 398062 | 311471 |
WS11 4QU | 52.70967500 | -2.02621500 | 3 | 10 | 398326 | 312446 |
WS11 4QX | 52.70910900 | -2.02722100 | 46 | 89 | 398258 | 312383 |
WS11 4QY | 52.70865900 | -2.02800500 | 8 | 15 | 398205 | 312333 |
WS11 4QZ | 52.70960300 | -2.02788700 | 32 | 80 | 398213 | 312438 |
WS11 4RA | 52.71102400 | -2.02646700 | 28 | 68 | 398309 | 312596 |
WS11 4RB | 52.71135600 | -2.02532800 | 44 | 96 | 398386 | 312633 |
WS11 4RD | 52.71190500 | -2.02669000 | 7 | 25 | 398294 | 312694 |
WS11 4RE | 52.71171500 | -2.02788900 | 22 | 68 | 398213 | 312673 |
WS11 4RF | 52.71123000 | -2.02854000 | N/A | N/A | 398169 | 312619 |
WS11 4RG | 52.71251600 | -2.02614300 | 2 | 4 | 398331 | 312762 |
WS11 4RH | 52.71288400 | -2.02645400 | 6 | 13 | 398310 | 312803 |
WS11 4RX | 52.70245600 | -2.02894800 | 14 | 30 | 398141 | 311643 |
WS11 4SA | 52.69611700 | -2.03206600 | 30 | 42 | 397930 | 310938 |