B24 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B24 is a postcode district in Birmingham, UK. Below is a complete list of B24 Postcodes (Active). B24 postcode district comprises of 578 active postcodes and 3 postcode sectors. B24 district has a population of 28280, and it has 11680 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B24 postcode district

B24 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 28280
Addresses / Property Count 11680
Active Postcodes 578
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Active Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of B24 Postcode Sectors

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showing 150-200 of 578 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B24 0PT 52.52333800 -1.80349100 32 81 413430 291736
B24 0PU 52.52288200 -1.80495200 14 24 413331 291685
B24 0PX 52.52240300 -1.80348000 32 88 413431 291632
B24 0PY 52.52406500 -1.80267700 11 24 413485 291817
B24 0QA 52.52459500 -1.80292500 7 11 413468 291876
B24 0QB 52.52409000 -1.80174800 21 43 413548 291820
B24 0QD 52.52275900 -1.80163600 29 61 413556 291672
B24 0QE 52.52257000 -1.80104800 18 42 413596 291651
B24 0QF 52.52350400 -1.80048400 52 139 413634 291755
B24 0QG 52.52311400 -1.79876100 22 50 413751 291712
B24 0QH 52.52410400 -1.79940500 37 72 413707 291822
B24 0QJ 52.52450100 -1.80028700 33 66 413647 291866
B24 0QL 52.52372300 -1.80469000 25 45 413349 291779
B24 0QQ 52.52371500 -1.79806500 39 115 413798 291779
B24 0QY 52.52127500 -1.80306500 5 7 413460 291507
B24 0RB 52.51964000 -1.80726500 N/A N/A 413175 291324
B24 0RD 52.52112300 -1.79809900 N/A N/A 413797 291491
B24 0RF 52.51738400 -1.81327300 8 16 412768 291072
B24 0RG 52.51984400 -1.81100800 16 39 412921 291346
B24 0RH 52.51799600 -1.81356500 8 11 412748 291140
B24 0RJ 52.51780000 -1.81486300 18 44 412660 291118
B24 0RL 52.51738000 -1.81601400 39 81 412582 291071
B24 0RN 52.51792200 -1.81429500 28 45 412699 291132
B24 0RP 52.51859800 -1.81315000 52 68 412776 291207
B24 0RQ 52.52071400 -1.80957500 11 19 413018 291443
B24 0RR 52.51980600 -1.81008000 18 47 412984 291342
B24 0RS 52.51985600 -1.80961500 2 3 413016 291348
B24 0RT 52.52041800 -1.81022400 6 19 412974 291410
B24 0RU 52.52116800 -1.80724400 21 45 413176 291494
B24 0RW 52.51767200 -1.81302100 28 46 412785 291104
B24 0RX 52.52184200 -1.80707900 26 53 413187 291569
B24 0RY 52.52063900 -1.80760000 44 106 413152 291435
B24 0RZ 52.51780200 -1.81567300 17 36 412605 291118
B24 0SA 52.52199400 -1.80609100 17 44 413254 291586
B24 0SB 52.52393300 -1.79575700 N/A N/A 413955 291804
B24 0SD 52.52351700 -1.79468300 N/A N/A 414028 291758
B24 0SE 52.52362600 -1.79528700 N/A N/A 413987 291770
B24 0SG 52.52700600 -1.81457400 17 42 412677 292142
B24 0SH 52.52620700 -1.81553500 34 88 412612 292053
B24 0SJ 52.52610600 -1.81422400 32 80 412701 292042
B24 0SN 52.52525400 -1.81527400 31 84 412630 291947
B24 0SP 52.52426500 -1.81569100 26 98 412602 291837
B24 0SW 52.52001900 -1.81396900 10 19 412720 291365
B24 0SY 52.51980200 -1.81313000 11 22 412777 291341
B24 0SZ 52.52057800 -1.81471900 9 26 412669 291427
B24 0TA 52.52067400 -1.81284700 41 50 412796 291438
B24 0TB 52.52130800 -1.81050100 13 30 412955 291509
B24 0TD 52.52248300 -1.80859400 17 40 413084 291640
B24 0TE 52.52196100 -1.80800700 18 57 413124 291582
B24 0TF 52.52073200 -1.81009000 21 61 412983 291445
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