SW19 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW19 is a postcode district in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW19 Postcodes (Active). SW19 postcode district comprises of 1655 active postcodes and 9 postcode sectors. SW19 district has a population of 77453, and it has 32812 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW19 postcode district

SW19 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 77453
Addresses / Property Count 32812
Active Postcodes 1655
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Active Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of SW19 Postcode Sectors

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showing 1050-1100 of 1655 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW19 6BD 51.44437900 -0.21835700 20 44 523915 173215
SW19 6BE 51.44451600 -0.21851000 9 21 523904 173230
SW19 6BF 51.44832700 -0.21957500 N/A N/A 523820 173652
SW19 6BG 51.44479000 -0.21877300 36 78 523885 173260
SW19 6BH 51.44639000 -0.21874400 23 59 523883 173438
SW19 6BJ 51.44588700 -0.21880700 19 38 523880 173382
SW19 6BL 51.44567100 -0.21816300 44 78 523925 173359
SW19 6BN 51.44511200 -0.21750800 38 136 523972 173298
SW19 6BQ 51.44661600 -0.21940700 23 53 523836 173462
SW19 6BS 51.44751500 -0.21942000 N/A N/A 523833 173562
SW19 6BT 51.44681200 -0.21870900 10 33 523884 173485
SW19 6BU 51.44771100 -0.21985800 N/A N/A 523802 173583
SW19 6BW 51.44531200 -0.21824900 33 71 523920 173319
SW19 6BY 51.44072300 -0.22275900 46 106 523619 172801
SW19 6BZ 51.44037100 -0.22270000 59 111 523624 172762
SW19 6DA 51.44113400 -0.22142300 13 33 523711 172849
SW19 6DB 51.44162800 -0.22017700 14 33 523796 172906
SW19 6DD 51.44143800 -0.21953600 8 24 523841 172886
SW19 6DE 51.44094700 -0.21974300 6 12 523828 172831
SW19 6DF 51.44217900 -0.21854800 6 21 523908 172970
SW19 6DG 51.44275400 -0.21856900 21 48 523905 173034
SW19 6DH 51.44235900 -0.21977400 14 49 523822 172988
SW19 6DJ 51.44241100 -0.22026100 14 40 523788 172993
SW19 6DL 51.44223000 -0.22077700 8 17 523753 172972
SW19 6DN 51.44282100 -0.22119500 58 117 523722 173037
SW19 6DP 51.44399200 -0.22073200 14 39 523751 173168
SW19 6DQ 51.44231600 -0.21928600 22 42 523856 172984
SW19 6DR 51.44472500 -0.22102500 11 27 523729 173249
SW19 6DS 51.44375700 -0.22006500 6 13 523798 173143
SW19 6DT 51.44492400 -0.21991900 16 37 523805 173273
SW19 6DU 51.44528500 -0.22117100 21 45 523717 173311
SW19 6DX 51.44515700 -0.22048500 35 47 523765 173298
SW19 6DY 51.44464500 -0.21993000 4 5 523805 173242
SW19 6DZ 51.44487400 -0.22136000 26 45 523705 173265
SW19 6EA 51.44445400 -0.21979300 38 70 523815 173221
SW19 6EB 51.44417900 -0.21943000 7 11 523841 173191
SW19 6ED 51.44357100 -0.21906500 24 54 523868 173124
SW19 6EF 51.44351900 -0.22038100 32 71 523777 173116
SW19 6EG 51.44325700 -0.21971000 3 7 523824 173088
SW19 6EL 51.44353000 -0.21573300 16 34 524100 173125
SW19 6EN 51.44352000 -0.21627500 5 11 524062 173123
SW19 6EP 51.44295300 -0.21980800 47 127 523818 173054
SW19 6EQ 51.44353700 -0.21862000 18 34 523899 173121
SW19 6ER 51.44338700 -0.21698600 11 27 524013 173107
SW19 6ES 51.44310100 -0.21532700 61 102 524129 173078
SW19 6ET 51.44432900 -0.21625800 26 73 524061 173213
SW19 6EU 51.44392300 -0.21739600 35 98 523983 173166
SW19 6EW 51.44329000 -0.21769900 N/A N/A 523964 173095
SW19 6EX 51.44357500 -0.21815800 17 30 523931 173126
SW19 6EY 51.44034200 -0.22140600 30 71 523714 172761
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