SW19 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW19 is a postcode district in Wandsworth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW19 Postcodes (Active). SW19 postcode district comprises of 1655 active postcodes and 9 postcode sectors. SW19 district has a population of 77453, and it has 32812 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW19 postcode district

SW19 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 77453
Addresses / Property Count 32812
Active Postcodes 1655
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Active Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of SW19 Postcode Sectors

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showing 1200-1250 of 1655 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW19 6QX 51.44489800 -0.21463900 11 44 524172 173279
SW19 6QY 51.44438300 -0.21509000 25 51 524142 173221
SW19 6QZ 51.44478000 -0.21398100 6 23 524218 173267
SW19 6RA 51.44419300 -0.21322700 18 28 524272 173203
SW19 6RB 51.44481900 -0.21596600 60 106 524080 173268
SW19 6RG 51.44872200 -0.21536700 46 107 524111 173703
SW19 6RJ 51.45093700 -0.21673500 5 23 524010 173947
SW19 6RL 51.45067800 -0.21683600 17 45 524004 173918
SW19 6RN 51.44986700 -0.21736600 24 55 523969 173827
SW19 6RP 51.44926000 -0.21822500 8 28 523911 173758
SW19 6RR 51.44892900 -0.21835300 15 43 523903 173721
SW19 6RS 51.44880600 -0.21735000 44 153 523973 173709
SW19 6RT 51.44840800 -0.21838700 46 124 523902 173663
SW19 6RU 51.44897500 -0.21901300 23 72 523857 173725
SW19 6RW 51.44944900 -0.21708500 1 2 523990 173781
SW19 6RX 51.44910800 -0.22007800 62 164 523783 173738
SW19 6RY 51.44830400 -0.21567600 N/A N/A 524091 173656
SW19 6RZ 51.44886900 -0.21498700 10 18 524137 173720
SW19 6SE 51.44497800 -0.21339800 24 65 524258 173290
SW19 6SF 51.44516300 -0.21436900 9 24 524190 173309
SW19 6SG 51.44534900 -0.21359900 24 64 524243 173331
SW19 6SH 51.44548400 -0.21123400 46 115 524407 173350
SW19 6SJ 51.44766200 -0.21310600 36 148 524271 173589
SW19 6SL 51.44704500 -0.21270300 54 128 524301 173521
SW19 6SN 51.44659900 -0.21178000 79 210 524366 173473
SW19 6SP 51.44584700 -0.21378100 24 64 524229 173386
SW19 6SQ 51.44571300 -0.21268300 55 112 524306 173373
SW19 6SR 51.44622300 -0.21429900 54 162 524192 173427
SW19 6SS 51.44629300 -0.21529400 8 33 524123 173433
SW19 6ST 51.44513900 -0.21097400 25 52 524426 173312
SW19 6SW 51.44665000 -0.21281500 39 128 524294 173477
SW19 6TA 51.44804800 -0.21781100 44 99 523943 173624
SW19 6TB 51.44784300 -0.21674000 28 71 524018 173603
SW19 6TD 51.44795800 -0.21598700 56 91 524070 173617
SW19 6TE 51.44821300 -0.21684100 32 86 524010 173644
SW19 6TF 51.44844900 -0.21638500 31 81 524041 173671
SW19 6TG 51.44768000 -0.21549400 33 91 524105 173587
SW19 6TH 51.44675400 -0.21429300 32 71 524191 173486
SW19 6TJ 51.44654800 -0.21492000 43 119 524148 173462
SW19 6TL 51.44732200 -0.21501900 34 96 524139 173548
SW19 6TN 51.44685600 -0.21627500 36 74 524053 173494
SW19 6TP 51.44618200 -0.21567300 1 6 524097 173420
SW19 6TQ 51.44735600 -0.21603900 48 86 524068 173550
SW19 6TT 51.43930300 -0.21393600 7 17 524236 172658
SW19 6YF 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 6YH 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 6ZJ 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 7AA 51.42295600 -0.20820600 4 8 524679 170850
SW19 7AB 51.42367600 -0.20646600 16 47 524798 170933
SW19 7AD 51.42333800 -0.20728500 24 63 524742 170894
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