SW19 Postcodes, Map, Postcode Sectors, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW19 is a postcode district in Merton, UK. Below is a complete list of SW19 Postcodes (Active). SW19 postcode district comprises of 1655 active postcodes and 9 postcode sectors. SW19 district has a population of 77453, and it has 32812 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW19 postcode district

SW19 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 77453
Addresses / Property Count 32812
Active Postcodes 1655
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Active Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of SW19 Postcode Sectors

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showing 1350-1400 of 1655 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW19 7NF 51.42132300 -0.20723400 N/A N/A 524751 170670
SW19 7NH 51.42099500 -0.20635500 N/A N/A 524813 170635
SW19 7NL 51.42114300 -0.20660400 N/A N/A 524795 170651
SW19 7NN 51.42138900 -0.20805100 N/A N/A 524694 170676
SW19 7NS 51.42097700 -0.20757800 N/A N/A 524728 170631
SW19 7NU 51.42156000 -0.20805900 N/A N/A 524693 170695
SW19 7NW 51.42065200 -0.20688600 N/A N/A 524777 170596
SW19 7PA 51.42236800 -0.20916400 3 6 524614 170783
SW19 7PB 51.42337500 -0.21145400 50 94 524452 170891
SW19 7PD 51.42371100 -0.21288000 28 47 524352 170926
SW19 7PG 51.42343700 -0.21317800 21 35 524332 170895
SW19 7PJ 51.42289700 -0.21371700 N/A N/A 524296 170834
SW19 7PP 51.42629300 -0.21351300 5 11 524301 171212
SW19 7PQ 51.42382900 -0.21352200 31 59 524307 170938
SW19 7PR 51.42639500 -0.21140800 16 62 524447 171227
SW19 7PS 51.42690600 -0.21363300 2 6 524291 171280
SW19 7PT 51.42708700 -0.21254700 14 38 524366 171302
SW19 7QA 51.42320500 -0.20684400 43 96 524773 170880
SW19 7QD 51.42328200 -0.20594900 29 65 524835 170890
SW19 7QG 51.42414400 -0.20470700 11 26 524919 170988
SW19 7QH 51.42511100 -0.20622300 2 8 524811 171093
SW19 7QJ 51.42475500 -0.20646700 12 20 524795 171053
SW19 7QL 51.42371200 -0.20877600 16 23 524637 170933
SW19 7QN 51.42353000 -0.20924800 53 101 524605 170912
SW19 7QP 51.42355300 -0.21016700 27 52 524541 170913
SW19 7QQ 51.42439300 -0.20508100 N/A N/A 524892 171015
SW19 7QR 51.42429400 -0.21100100 48 129 524481 170994
SW19 7QS 51.42433700 -0.21205000 5 10 524408 170997
SW19 7QT 51.42444200 -0.21483600 9 26 524214 171004
SW19 7QU 51.42393700 -0.21531600 20 40 524182 170947
SW19 7QW 51.42280900 -0.20916100 N/A N/A 524613 170832
SW19 7QY 51.42393800 -0.21422300 11 25 524258 170949
SW19 7QZ 51.42679200 -0.20618600 25 34 524809 171280
SW19 7RD 51.42536000 -0.21606600 17 42 524126 171104
SW19 7RG 51.42489900 -0.21647300 10 19 524099 171052
SW19 7RH 51.42497900 -0.21580800 8 12 524145 171062
SW19 7RJ 51.42585600 -0.21498200 7 17 524200 171161
SW19 7RL 51.42524700 -0.21393700 16 41 524274 171095
SW19 7RQ 51.42530400 -0.21474500 25 71 524218 171100
SW19 7UZ 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 7WD 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 7WU 51.41689200 -0.21328900 N/A N/A 524342 170167
SW19 8AA 51.43459800 -0.19916100 18 61 525276 172160
SW19 8AB 51.43478400 -0.19951300 15 31 525251 172180
SW19 8AD 51.43495000 -0.19862900 27 55 525312 172200
SW19 8AE 51.43507300 -0.19789100 1 2 525363 172215
SW19 8AG 51.43525300 -0.19671800 10 21 525444 172237
SW19 8AJ 51.43443700 -0.19742700 21 57 525397 172145
SW19 8AL 51.43329300 -0.19787400 6 12 525369 172017
SW19 8AN 51.43374600 -0.19814400 38 97 525349 172067
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