BA2 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BA2 1 is a postcode sector in Bath and North East Somerset, UK. Below is a complete list of BA2 1 Postcodes (Active). BA2 1 postcode sector comprises of 231 active postcodes. BA2 1 sector has a population of 12402, and it has 5172 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BA2 1 postcode sector

BA2 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12402
Addresses / Property Count 5172
Active Postcodes 231
Nearby Postcode Districts 18
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of BA2 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 231 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BA2 1DQ 51.38079200 -2.39713100 7 11 372458 164713
BA2 1DR 51.37945100 -2.39752200 24 56 372430 164564
BA2 1DS 51.37925200 -2.39800900 26 78 372396 164542
BA2 1DT 51.37794600 -2.39587100 19 43 372544 164396
BA2 1DU 51.37958700 -2.39202000 8 24 372813 164577
BA2 1DW 51.38005100 -2.39721000 37 82 372452 164631
BA2 1DX 51.37928700 -2.39289400 49 115 372752 164544
BA2 1DY 51.37855800 -2.39300300 63 173 372744 164463
BA2 1DZ 51.37830800 -2.39531400 18 40 372583 164436
BA2 1EA 51.37693200 -2.39274400 40 120 372761 164282
BA2 1EB 51.37937300 -2.39142900 26 55 372854 164553
BA2 1ED 51.37850100 -2.39123500 13 36 372867 164456
BA2 1EE 51.37824300 -2.39060000 6 12 372911 164427
BA2 1EF 51.37771200 -2.38974700 2 2 372970 164368
BA2 1EG 51.37730700 -2.39075000 20 57 372900 164323
BA2 1EH 51.37646800 -2.39172000 26 74 372832 164230
BA2 1EJ 51.37782000 -2.39071200 15 37 372903 164380
BA2 1EL 51.37730900 -2.39024800 22 55 372935 164323
BA2 1EN 51.38035500 -2.38809000 N/A N/A 373087 164661
BA2 1EP 51.38056500 -2.39000200 N/A N/A 372954 164685
BA2 1EQ 51.37711500 -2.39162500 12 19 372839 164302
BA2 1ER 51.38185400 -2.39948300 N/A N/A 372295 164832
BA2 1ES 51.38072300 -2.38819300 1 7 373080 164702
BA2 1EU 51.38177300 -2.40474100 N/A N/A 371929 164825
BA2 1EX 51.37947300 -2.39365700 N/A N/A 372699 164565
BA2 1EY 51.38049100 -2.38787500 N/A N/A 373102 164676
BA2 1EZ 51.38090000 -2.39358200 N/A N/A 372705 164724
BA2 1FD 51.38100200 -2.39269200 N/A N/A 372767 164735
BA2 1FE 51.37473500 -2.38455000 N/A N/A 373330 164035
BA2 1FF 51.37141900 -2.39449200 N/A N/A 372636 163670
BA2 1HA 51.37563300 -2.39300500 28 56 372742 164138
BA2 1HB 51.38128700 -2.39450600 0 13 372641 164767
BA2 1HD 51.37183900 -2.38824700 47 99 373071 163714
BA2 1HE 51.37092200 -2.38844100 58 136 373057 163612
BA2 1HF 51.36919100 -2.38966100 42 103 372971 163420
BA2 1HG 51.36903200 -2.39684300 5 10 372471 163405
BA2 1HJ 51.36855900 -2.39040300 27 62 372919 163350
BA2 1HL 51.37037500 -2.39047600 30 72 372915 163552
BA2 1HP 51.37301600 -2.38871700 8 16 373039 163845
BA2 1HR 51.37413500 -2.38754800 22 61 373121 163969
BA2 1HS 51.37253900 -2.38872700 25 63 373038 163792
BA2 1HT 51.37362300 -2.38717100 20 44 373147 163912
BA2 1HU 51.36737700 -2.39161400 29 70 372834 163219
BA2 1HW 51.37201500 -2.38942700 5 8 372989 163734
BA2 1HX 51.36947200 -2.39164600 12 35 372833 163452
BA2 1HY 51.36917400 -2.39214600 12 31 372798 163419
BA2 1HZ 51.36857200 -2.39198300 29 69 372809 163352
BA2 1JA 51.36951900 -2.39385900 20 52 372679 163458
BA2 1JB 51.37048500 -2.39254600 36 92 372771 163565
BA2 1JD 51.37002800 -2.39222600 13 28 372793 163514
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