BA2 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BA2 1 is a postcode sector in Bath and North East Somerset, UK. Below is a complete list of BA2 1 Postcodes (Active). BA2 1 postcode sector comprises of 231 active postcodes. BA2 1 sector has a population of 12402, and it has 5172 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BA2 1 postcode sector

BA2 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12402
Addresses / Property Count 5172
Active Postcodes 231
Nearby Postcode Districts 18
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of BA2 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 231 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BA2 1NS 51.37634400 -2.40177600 6 11 372132 164220
BA2 1NT 51.37642800 -2.40342900 27 54 372017 164230
BA2 1NU 51.37667500 -2.40211000 11 26 372109 164257
BA2 1NW 51.37580900 -2.39757700 33 99 372424 164159
BA2 1NX 51.37705000 -2.40287500 7 22 372056 164299
BA2 1NY 51.37663200 -2.40420700 8 25 371963 164253
BA2 1NZ 51.37280200 -2.39602800 16 39 372530 163824
BA2 1PA 51.37607800 -2.39005000 12 29 372948 164186
BA2 1PB 51.37334100 -2.40160600 58 168 372142 163886
BA2 1PF 51.37267700 -2.39865600 21 68 372347 163811
BA2 1PG 51.37253200 -2.40152800 70 211 372147 163796
BA2 1PH 51.37180200 -2.40088800 39 99 372191 163715
BA2 1PJ 51.37329800 -2.39996700 53 167 372256 163881
BA2 1PL 51.37379700 -2.40485700 20 42 371916 163938
BA2 1PN 51.37362200 -2.40350500 40 105 372010 163918
BA2 1PP 51.37472500 -2.39932000 37 105 372302 164039
BA2 1PQ 51.37149400 -2.40016800 57 90 372241 163680
BA2 1PR 51.37366000 -2.39771600 58 175 372413 163920
BA2 1PS 51.37304900 -2.40444700 1 3 371944 163855
BA2 1PW 51.37464300 -2.40203400 42 109 372113 164031
BA2 1PX 51.37571700 -2.40102400 5 12 372184 164150
BA2 1PY 51.37531700 -2.40227000 43 99 372097 164106
BA2 1PZ 51.37538200 -2.39895200 53 151 372328 164112
BA2 1QA 51.37514700 -2.39665100 8 17 372488 164085
BA2 1QB 51.37491900 -2.39778400 8 21 372409 164060
BA2 1QD 51.37465300 -2.39643200 21 54 372503 164030
BA2 1QE 51.37603900 -2.40411600 6 18 371969 164187
BA2 1QG 51.37923000 -2.40069400 12 21 372209 164541
BA2 1QH 51.37804400 -2.40156100 33 66 372148 164409
BA2 1QJ 51.37832200 -2.40160700 23 36 372145 164440
BA2 1QL 51.37728400 -2.40283300 24 47 372059 164325
BA2 1QN 51.37688700 -2.40323200 16 38 372031 164281
BA2 1QP 51.37722200 -2.40426900 28 60 371959 164319
BA2 1QQ 51.37872400 -2.40521700 44 117 371894 164486
BA2 1QR 51.37861000 -2.40333300 N/A N/A 372025 164473
BA2 1QS 51.37827400 -2.40268400 18 29 372070 164435
BA2 1QU 51.37718600 -2.40514600 18 30 371898 164315
BA2 1QW 51.37559600 -2.40475800 45 104 371924 164138
BA2 1QX 51.37650100 -2.40581500 53 115 371851 164239
BA2 1QY 51.37511300 -2.40663600 57 128 371793 164085
BA2 1QZ 51.37677600 -2.40666500 11 20 371792 164270
BA2 1RA 51.37812900 -2.40565700 39 91 371863 164420
BA2 1RB 51.37787000 -2.40512300 37 71 371900 164391
BA2 1RD 51.37549100 -2.40639500 18 36 371810 164127
BA2 1RE 51.37775300 -2.40249300 17 34 372083 164377
BA2 1RF 51.37793400 -2.40976500 20 62 371577 164400
BA2 1RG 51.37799100 -2.40901800 24 76 371629 164406
BA2 1RH 51.38026200 -2.39978500 35 44 372273 164655
BA2 1RL 51.38049700 -2.39850700 3 11 372362 164681
BA2 1RN 51.38046600 -2.40056200 0 48 372219 164678
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