DE3 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DE3 9 is a postcode sector in Derby, UK. Below is a complete list of DE3 9 Postcodes (Active). DE3 9 postcode sector comprises of 204 active postcodes. DE3 9 sector has a population of 9146, and it has 3725 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DE3 9 postcode sector

DE3 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9146
Addresses / Property Count 3725
Active Postcodes 204
Nearby Postcode Districts 24
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of DE3 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 204 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DE3 9DQ 52.91261200 -1.52998900 N/A N/A 431704 335124
DE3 9DR 52.91199200 -1.53004500 20 47 431701 335055
DE3 9DS 52.91249100 -1.52874100 N/A N/A 431788 335111
DE3 9DT 52.91335600 -1.52708600 N/A N/A 431899 335208
DE3 9DU 52.91312200 -1.52715800 N/A N/A 431894 335182
DE3 9DW 52.91262100 -1.52774400 56 147 431855 335126
DE3 9DX 52.90725400 -1.53198400 46 112 431574 334527
DE3 9DY 52.90654800 -1.53316700 46 117 431495 334448
DE3 9DZ 52.90799800 -1.53160500 6 14 431599 334610
DE3 9EA 52.91158600 -1.52740200 40 96 431879 335011
DE3 9EB 52.91398400 -1.52672200 36 95 431923 335278
DE3 9ED 52.91157300 -1.52852800 N/A N/A 431803 335009
DE3 9EY 52.91481400 -1.53444100 N/A N/A 431403 335367
DE3 9EZ 52.91373500 -1.53662400 7 10 431257 335246
DE3 9FB 52.92117100 -1.54175000 10 23 430907 336071
DE3 9FD 52.91722400 -1.54163300 4 9 430918 335632
DE3 9FE 52.91850600 -1.54292800 14 29 430830 335774
DE3 9FG 52.91700600 -1.54316700 32 75 430815 335607
DE3 9FH 52.91563100 -1.54328600 16 71 430808 335454
DE3 9FJ 52.91427400 -1.54355300 20 78 430791 335303
DE3 9FL 52.91283400 -1.54298800 21 62 430830 335143
DE3 9FN 52.91119300 -1.54404600 20 48 430760 334960
DE3 9FP 52.90977100 -1.54354100 25 67 430795 334802
DE3 9FQ 52.91746600 -1.54122900 8 18 430945 335659
DE3 9FR 52.91479800 -1.54170300 5 14 430915 335362
DE3 9FS 52.91436400 -1.54105300 41 98 430959 335314
DE3 9FT 52.91299200 -1.53983400 19 38 431042 335162
DE3 9FW 52.91232100 -1.54064400 22 47 430988 335087
DE3 9FX 52.91193000 -1.54172900 28 67 430915 335043
DE3 9FY 52.91028700 -1.54224200 26 68 430882 334860
DE3 9FZ 52.91101500 -1.54229300 4 9 430878 334941
DE3 9GA 52.91233400 -1.53926100 19 36 431081 335089
DE3 9GB 52.91091200 -1.53894900 24 53 431103 334931
DE3 9GE 52.90616800 -1.53938600 26 59 431077 334403
DE3 9GF 52.90560100 -1.53928800 43 113 431084 334340
DE3 9GG 52.91044500 -1.54133300 5 15 430943 334878
DE3 9GH 52.90639900 -1.54348700 38 90 430801 334427
DE3 9GJ 52.90829700 -1.54376400 31 83 430781 334638
DE3 9GL 52.90900000 -1.54420300 1 3 430751 334716
DE3 9GN 52.90917200 -1.54206000 36 86 430895 334736
DE3 9GP 52.90982900 -1.53998200 38 90 431034 334810
DE3 9GQ 52.90970300 -1.53772700 19 63 431186 334797
DE3 9GR 52.90989300 -1.53579200 29 88 431316 334819
DE3 9GS 52.91005600 -1.53369000 21 48 431457 334838
DE3 9GT 52.91038700 -1.53091000 30 84 431644 334876
DE3 9GU 52.90971500 -1.52922200 12 38 431758 334802
DE3 9GW 52.91086600 -1.52931300 25 71 431751 334930
DE3 9GY 52.90824000 -1.54514800 24 54 430688 334631
DE3 9HA 52.91116400 -1.53656700 42 91 431263 334960
DE3 9HB 52.91227000 -1.53665900 12 24 431256 335083
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