DE3 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

DE3 9 is a postcode sector in Derby, UK. Below is a complete list of DE3 9 Postcodes (Active). DE3 9 postcode sector comprises of 204 active postcodes. DE3 9 sector has a population of 9146, and it has 3725 properties in the region.

Browse Information On DE3 9 postcode sector

DE3 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9146
Addresses / Property Count 3725
Active Postcodes 204
Nearby Postcode Districts 24
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of DE3 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-200 of 204 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
DE3 9LR 52.91545500 -1.53286300 16 32 431509 335439
DE3 9LS 52.91362700 -1.53185600 14 34 431578 335236
DE3 9LT 52.91134800 -1.53298100 18 45 431504 334982
DE3 9LU 52.91605300 -1.53626200 36 83 431280 335504
DE3 9LW 52.91579400 -1.53451000 14 35 431398 335476
DE3 9LX 52.91479000 -1.53284000 28 52 431511 335365
DE3 9LY 52.91428400 -1.53222100 5 12 431553 335309
DE3 9LZ 52.91353200 -1.53300200 8 14 431501 335225
DE3 9NA 52.91218600 -1.53364100 9 23 431459 335075
DE3 9NB 52.91127800 -1.53365100 15 39 431459 334974
DE3 9ND 52.90193500 -1.53746800 6 16 431209 333933
DE3 9NE 52.90293900 -1.53675900 24 64 431256 334045
DE3 9NF 52.90225700 -1.53929300 4 11 431086 333968
DE3 9NG 52.90291400 -1.53949400 7 21 431072 334041
DE3 9NH 52.90345100 -1.54119800 2 4 430957 334100
DE3 9NJ 52.90369700 -1.53975400 17 39 431054 334128
DE3 9NL 52.90417200 -1.53943600 16 38 431075 334181
DE3 9NN 52.90372800 -1.53840000 39 107 431145 334132
DE3 9NP 52.90207200 -1.53804200 29 67 431170 333948
DE3 9NQ 52.90318100 -1.53882300 5 11 431117 334071
DE3 9NR 52.90369800 -1.53759800 15 39 431199 334129
DE3 9NS 52.90250500 -1.53844300 14 36 431143 333996
DE3 9NT 52.90467600 -1.53943100 15 40 431075 334237
DE3 9NU 52.90504700 -1.53780700 18 47 431184 334279
DE3 9NW 52.90428600 -1.54084800 18 44 430980 334193
DE3 9NY 52.91898500 -1.54125300 N/A N/A 430942 335828
DE3 9NZ 52.91947000 -1.54124800 N/A N/A 430942 335882
DE3 9PB 52.91934600 -1.53933100 N/A N/A 431071 335869
DE3 9SA 52.90158500 -1.54219500 1 3 430891 333892
DE3 9SP 52.90453900 -1.53675600 10 26 431255 334223
DE3 9SR 52.90646200 -1.53646800 6 15 431273 334437
DE3 9SS 52.90538100 -1.53597400 37 94 431307 334317
DE3 9ST 52.90559200 -1.53460400 14 45 431399 334341
DE3 9SU 52.90528600 -1.53688200 30 47 431246 334306
DE3 9SW 52.90350300 -1.53603900 40 105 431304 334108
DE3 9SY 52.90517300 -1.53547100 13 46 431341 334294
DE3 9SZ 52.90450300 -1.53434800 11 32 431417 334220
DE3 9XA 52.91142700 -1.52130700 33 78 432289 334996
DE3 9XB 52.91179500 -1.52106500 32 70 432305 335037
DE3 9XD 52.91139800 -1.52089100 6 19 432317 334993
DE3 9XE 52.91189000 -1.52242800 1 1 432213 335047
DE3 9XF 52.91232400 -1.52079200 14 37 432323 335096
DE3 9XG 52.91238400 -1.52016700 3 10 432365 335103
DE3 9XH 52.91203600 -1.51852000 16 49 432476 335065
DE3 9XQ 52.91135600 -1.51934500 4 10 432421 334989
DE3 9YA 52.90790200 -1.52768000 52 140 431863 334601
DE3 9YB 52.90838000 -1.52575700 18 46 431992 334655
DE3 9YD 52.90783400 -1.52882600 12 22 431786 334593
DE3 9YE 52.90693800 -1.52959400 7 14 431735 334493
DE3 9YF 52.90730200 -1.52606600 26 83 431972 334535
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