GU2 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU2 9 is a postcode sector in Guildford, UK. Below is a complete list of GU2 9 Postcodes (Active). GU2 9 postcode sector comprises of 224 active postcodes. GU2 9 sector has a population of 12341, and it has 4682 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU2 9 postcode sector

GU2 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12341
Addresses / Property Count 4682
Active Postcodes 224
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of GU2 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 224 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU2 9NH 51.25199700 -0.58578000 19 33 498794 151264
GU2 9NJ 51.25067700 -0.58672300 45 141 498731 151116
GU2 9NL 51.25103800 -0.58684100 23 33 498722 151156
GU2 9NN 51.25300700 -0.58527600 36 93 498827 151377
GU2 9NP 51.25330400 -0.58605500 17 31 498772 151409
GU2 9NQ 51.25199000 -0.58674000 23 70 498727 151262
GU2 9NR 51.25378600 -0.58727300 46 113 498686 151461
GU2 9NS 51.25409800 -0.58848100 51 131 498601 151494
GU2 9NT 51.25408400 -0.59034500 18 45 498471 151490
GU2 9NU 51.25321700 -0.59030800 26 62 498475 151394
GU2 9NW 51.25285900 -0.58718700 24 64 498694 151358
GU2 9NX 51.25381100 -0.59081200 13 42 498439 151459
GU2 9NY 51.25298300 -0.58853000 30 90 498600 151370
GU2 9NZ 51.25281900 -0.58985300 23 66 498508 151350
GU2 9PA 51.25214600 -0.58842600 38 107 498609 151277
GU2 9PB 51.26420400 -0.58537700 5 16 498796 152622
GU2 9PD 51.25629200 -0.59146700 29 69 498388 151734
GU2 9PE 51.25537800 -0.59097900 8 13 498424 151633
GU2 9PF 51.25535900 -0.59020500 10 18 498478 151632
GU2 9PG 51.25383600 -0.58542300 34 83 498815 151469
GU2 9PH 51.25504500 -0.58501300 35 75 498841 151604
GU2 9PJ 51.25553500 -0.58610100 34 75 498764 151657
GU2 9PL 51.26487000 -0.59219300 10 322 498319 152687
GU2 9PN 51.25535700 -0.59298600 7 18 498284 151628
GU2 9PP 51.25486800 -0.59226400 22 71 498335 151575
GU2 9PQ 51.25456700 -0.58641800 12 42 498744 151549
GU2 9PR 51.25495200 -0.58996000 23 45 498496 151587
GU2 9PS 51.25633400 -0.58978900 38 92 498505 151741
GU2 9PT 51.25497400 -0.58811100 10 25 498625 151592
GU2 9PU 51.25563000 -0.58803300 35 90 498629 151665
GU2 9PW 51.25500700 -0.59305400 4 15 498280 151589
GU2 9PX 51.25590900 -0.58733700 34 70 498677 151697
GU2 9PY 51.25578800 -0.58696800 25 72 498703 151684
GU2 9PZ 51.25763400 -0.58721200 46 118 498682 151889
GU2 9QA 51.25773200 -0.58864200 24 60 498582 151898
GU2 9QB 51.25834400 -0.58865200 22 56 498580 151966
GU2 9QD 51.25840400 -0.58769000 10 28 498647 151974
GU2 9QE 51.25854000 -0.58623900 45 116 498748 151991
GU2 9QF 51.25866900 -0.58501600 40 108 498833 152007
GU2 9QG 51.25918400 -0.58967300 48 127 498507 152058
GU2 9QH 51.25464500 -0.58989800 3 10 498501 151553
GU2 9QJ 51.25903600 -0.58664700 12 41 498718 152046
GU2 9QL 51.26105000 -0.58564600 9 17 498784 152271
GU2 9QN 51.26111000 -0.58464000 14 43 498854 152279
GU2 9QP 51.26231100 -0.58499100 13 35 498827 152412
GU2 9QQ 51.25950400 -0.58739200 16 50 498665 152097
GU2 9QR 51.26202900 -0.58478400 11 26 498842 152381
GU2 9QS 51.26281900 -0.58464500 5 16 498850 152469
GU2 9QT 51.26350000 -0.58445200 16 33 498862 152545
GU2 9QU 51.26484200 -0.58461200 33 93 498848 152694
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