GU2 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

GU2 9 is a postcode sector in Guildford, UK. Below is a complete list of GU2 9 Postcodes (Active). GU2 9 postcode sector comprises of 224 active postcodes. GU2 9 sector has a population of 12341, and it has 4682 properties in the region.

Browse Information On GU2 9 postcode sector

GU2 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12341
Addresses / Property Count 4682
Active Postcodes 224
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of GU2 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 224 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
GU2 9QW 51.26147600 -0.58516000 10 29 498817 152319
GU2 9QX 51.26543400 -0.58601300 29 59 498749 152758
GU2 9QY 51.26598600 -0.58623900 18 41 498732 152819
GU2 9QZ 51.26623600 -0.58838200 25 60 498582 152844
GU2 9RA 51.26524100 -0.58566000 10 26 498774 152737
GU2 9RB 51.26434500 -0.58740800 25 68 498654 152635
GU2 9RD 51.26467900 -0.58673800 35 91 498700 152673
GU2 9RE 51.26531100 -0.58846800 28 66 498578 152741
GU2 9RF 51.26527200 -0.58745100 23 61 498649 152738
GU2 9RH 51.26538800 -0.59259300 25 51 498290 152744
GU2 9RJ 51.26611600 -0.59109500 39 111 498393 152827
GU2 9RL 51.24961100 -0.58777300 N/A N/A 498660 150996
GU2 9RN 51.24949100 -0.58750500 23 44 498679 150983
GU2 9RP 51.25076100 -0.59064700 15 44 498457 151120
GU2 9RQ 51.26574300 -0.59001700 52 127 498469 152787
GU2 9RR 51.25095100 -0.58856300 11 28 498602 151144
GU2 9RS 51.25157800 -0.59012900 46 108 498491 151212
GU2 9RT 51.25278900 -0.59111500 34 97 498420 151345
GU2 9RU 51.25446600 -0.59168800 42 92 498376 151531
GU2 9RW 51.25001900 -0.58885000 19 45 498584 151040
GU2 9RX 51.25414500 -0.59273000 25 55 498304 151494
GU2 9RY 51.25375300 -0.59499800 34 114 498147 151447
GU2 9RZ 51.25414500 -0.59391100 25 84 498222 151492
GU2 9SA 51.25301300 -0.59474800 48 110 498166 151365
GU2 9SB 51.25422300 -0.59668900 12 28 498028 151497
GU2 9SD 51.25298400 -0.59681200 36 110 498022 151359
GU2 9SE 51.25326400 -0.59247600 22 37 498324 151396
GU2 9SF 51.25450300 -0.59600700 14 15 498075 151529
GU2 9SG 51.25150800 -0.59596900 25 78 498084 151196
GU2 9SH 51.25003800 -0.58819000 N/A N/A 498630 151043
GU2 9SJ 51.25479600 -0.59572500 13 47 498094 151562
GU2 9SL 51.25510900 -0.59557300 26 69 498104 151597
GU2 9SN 51.25448500 -0.59905900 27 65 497862 151523
GU2 9SP 51.25528400 -0.60117000 18 47 497713 151609
GU2 9SQ 51.25448300 -0.59435900 11 33 498190 151529
GU2 9SR 51.25504900 -0.60185100 39 96 497666 151582
GU2 9SS 51.25405100 -0.60112200 24 72 497719 151472
GU2 9ST 51.25311600 -0.60182400 22 55 497672 151367
GU2 9SU 51.25368800 -0.60303900 23 59 497586 151429
GU2 9SW 51.25494600 -0.59921700 26 63 497850 151574
GU2 9SX 51.25375300 -0.60250700 12 25 497623 151437
GU2 9SY 51.25356300 -0.60085000 18 56 497739 151418
GU2 9SZ 51.25313900 -0.59998900 18 45 497800 151372
GU2 9TA 51.25264000 -0.60115000 10 29 497720 151315
GU2 9TB 51.25254300 -0.59906100 30 99 497866 151307
GU2 9TD 51.25215900 -0.60006200 6 20 497797 151263
GU2 9TE 51.25202600 -0.59892800 10 29 497876 151250
GU2 9TF 51.25199100 -0.59724400 12 27 497994 151248
GU2 9TG 51.25315700 -0.59773900 24 60 497957 151377
GU2 9TH 51.25291000 -0.59887800 23 75 497878 151348
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