HP23 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP23 6 is a postcode sector in Dacorum, UK. Below is a complete list of HP23 6 Postcodes (Active). HP23 6 postcode sector comprises of 163 active postcodes. HP23 6 sector has a population of 3623, and it has 1614 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP23 6 postcode sector

HP23 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3623
Addresses / Property Count 1614
Active Postcodes 163
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of HP23 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 163 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP23 6EB 51.78324100 -0.64403700 14 35 493634 210267
HP23 6ED 51.78443700 -0.64561000 14 37 493523 210398
HP23 6EE 51.78511500 -0.64511100 24 55 493556 210474
HP23 6EF 51.78192300 -0.64206100 14 29 493773 210123
HP23 6EH 51.78189200 -0.64026900 15 41 493897 210122
HP23 6EJ 51.78201200 -0.64045400 N/A N/A 493884 210135
HP23 6EL 51.78111100 -0.64252000 20 49 493743 210032
HP23 6EN 51.78113300 -0.64521600 21 53 493557 210031
HP23 6EP 51.78231800 -0.64348500 N/A N/A 493674 210165
HP23 6EQ 51.78253000 -0.64089800 10 25 493852 210192
HP23 6ER 51.78240300 -0.64468500 12 44 493591 210173
HP23 6ES 51.78214800 -0.64441700 12 31 493610 210145
HP23 6ET 51.78161100 -0.64394500 16 30 493644 210086
HP23 6EW 51.78162800 -0.64298300 10 16 493710 210089
HP23 6EY 51.78155100 -0.64094200 6 10 493851 210083
HP23 6EZ 51.78206100 -0.64150600 9 15 493811 210139
HP23 6FA 51.79024300 -0.66987200 N/A N/A 491838 211013
HP23 6FB 51.78272100 -0.64579700 8 21 493514 210207
HP23 6FD 51.79113800 -0.64899500 N/A N/A 493276 211139
HP23 6FE 51.79198700 -0.66275900 N/A N/A 492325 211216
HP23 6FF 51.77387900 -0.63620500 N/A N/A 494194 209236
HP23 6GZ 51.77140400 -0.61663700 N/A N/A 495549 208986
HP23 6HA 51.79418300 -0.65421200 7 25 492910 211471
HP23 6HD 51.78236500 -0.62909300 3 13 494667 210189
HP23 6HE 51.78323700 -0.63601000 24 68 494188 210277
HP23 6HF 51.78391900 -0.63510500 18 42 494249 210354
HP23 6HG 51.78283000 -0.63884500 1 3 493993 210228
HP23 6HH 51.77896800 -0.64148300 24 75 493819 209795
HP23 6HJ 51.77717200 -0.64017400 5 16 493913 209597
HP23 6HL 51.77671700 -0.63983000 6 11 493938 209547
HP23 6HN 51.77774700 -0.63938900 12 28 493966 209662
HP23 6HP 51.77735800 -0.63840000 6 12 494035 209620
HP23 6HQ 51.77894500 -0.64901200 2 4 493300 209783
HP23 6HR 51.77610600 -0.63587300 7 19 494212 209484
HP23 6HS 51.77426300 -0.63430500 4 13 494324 209281
HP23 6HT 51.77362200 -0.63486000 4 7 494287 209209
HP23 6HU 51.77534000 -0.62659500 2 4 494854 209411
HP23 6HW 51.77731100 -0.63893800 15 40 493998 209614
HP23 6HX 51.77160300 -0.63677600 4 11 494159 208982
HP23 6HY 51.77104800 -0.62785600 1 10 494776 208932
HP23 6HZ 51.77816700 -0.65176000 2 8 493112 209693
HP23 6JA 51.76870000 -0.61614000 5 11 495589 208686
HP23 6JB 51.77051900 -0.62014200 26 69 495309 208883
HP23 6JD 51.76744300 -0.63243800 4 10 494467 208525
HP23 6JE 51.76237700 -0.63071200 28 78 494597 207964
HP23 6JF 51.76370100 -0.62781800 95 161 494794 208115
HP23 6JG 51.76510300 -0.62618100 4 6 494904 208273
HP23 6JH 51.76220200 -0.64278800 5 9 493764 207929
HP23 6JJ 51.78416200 -0.67430900 11 22 491544 210331
HP23 6JL 51.79448600 -0.65637800 19 24 492760 211502
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