HP23 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP23 6 is a postcode sector in Dacorum, UK. Below is a complete list of HP23 6 Postcodes (Active). HP23 6 postcode sector comprises of 163 active postcodes. HP23 6 sector has a population of 3623, and it has 1614 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP23 6 postcode sector

HP23 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3623
Addresses / Property Count 1614
Active Postcodes 163
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of HP23 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 163 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP23 6JN 51.76465000 -0.62589100 4 6 494925 208223
HP23 6JP 51.78742000 -0.67457600 10 21 491519 210693
HP23 6JQ 51.76573000 -0.63818500 8 20 494074 208327
HP23 6JR 51.78432100 -0.67488400 9 22 491504 210348
HP23 6JS 51.78344700 -0.67887100 4 8 491231 210246
HP23 6JT 51.78024200 -0.68005200 2 6 491156 209888
HP23 6JU 51.77547200 -0.68517300 3 3 490812 209351
HP23 6JW 51.76327900 -0.62865600 4 6 494737 208067
HP23 6JX 51.77853400 -0.68579800 3 8 490763 209691
HP23 6JY 51.78345200 -0.68959500 7 16 490491 210233
HP23 6JZ 51.78135100 -0.69713600 N/A N/A 489975 209990
HP23 6LA 51.77667400 -0.69149100 5 9 490374 209477
HP23 6LB 51.77065300 -0.68943300 3 11 490528 208810
HP23 6LD 51.77039800 -0.69948000 19 53 489835 208769
HP23 6LE 51.76219600 -0.69448500 9 19 490196 207863
HP23 6LF 51.75940100 -0.69053800 6 16 490474 207557
HP23 6LG 51.75846300 -0.68782600 50 78 490663 207456
HP23 6LH 51.75933000 -0.69877000 1 2 489906 207539
HP23 6LJ 51.76315500 -0.68472400 8 17 490868 207982
HP23 6LQ 51.75866900 -0.69199700 3 10 490375 207474
HP23 6LR 51.77716600 -0.67041600 1 5 491827 209558
HP23 6LS 51.77662200 -0.67310900 2 3 491642 209494
HP23 6LT 51.76372800 -0.64863500 1 4 493357 208091
HP23 6LU 51.77567800 -0.66597600 8 17 492136 209398
HP23 6LW 51.77775700 -0.66378400 N/A N/A 492283 209632
HP23 6LX 51.77346800 -0.66927400 5 12 491913 209148
HP23 6LY 51.76874600 -0.67315200 6 17 491655 208618
HP23 6LZ 51.76702900 -0.67559300 5 19 491490 208424
HP23 6NA 51.75976800 -0.65379600 16 45 493009 207644
HP23 6NB 51.75780000 -0.64939600 2 4 493317 207431
HP23 6ND 51.75459500 -0.65193600 22 51 493148 207071
HP23 6NE 51.75597500 -0.65706700 5 17 492791 207218
HP23 6NF 51.75429000 -0.65612200 14 31 492860 207032
HP23 6NG 51.75387400 -0.65906100 6 10 492658 206982
HP23 6NH 51.75429700 -0.66841700 6 11 492011 207017
HP23 6NJ 51.75415900 -0.66890000 6 20 491978 207001
HP23 6NL 51.75395500 -0.66842700 3 10 492011 206979
HP23 6NN 51.75094000 -0.66436300 5 18 492298 206649
HP23 6NP 51.75464200 -0.68466300 8 21 490889 207035
HP23 6NQ 51.75318800 -0.66417600 27 71 492306 206899
HP23 6NR 51.74896400 -0.68914500 1 2 490591 206398
HP23 6NS 51.74748100 -0.69729900 4 11 490031 206223
HP23 6NT 51.75726200 -0.68100800 6 21 491136 207331
HP23 6NU 51.75694200 -0.67810500 9 17 491337 207299
HP23 6NW 51.75536600 -0.67811200 26 75 491340 207124
HP23 6NX 51.75535700 -0.66676400 13 38 492123 207137
HP23 6NY 51.75686600 -0.66344500 5 16 492349 207309
HP23 6NZ 51.75550300 -0.66768700 5 9 492059 207152
HP23 6PA 51.75606000 -0.66926400 2 4 491949 207212
HP23 6PB 51.75826900 -0.66904000 10 26 491960 207458
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