LL12 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL12 9 is a postcode sector in Flintshire, UK. Below is a complete list of LL12 9 Postcodes (Active). LL12 9 postcode sector comprises of 202 active postcodes. LL12 9 sector has a population of 5207, and it has 2153 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL12 9 postcode sector

LL12 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5207
Addresses / Property Count 2153
Active Postcodes 202
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of LL12 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 202 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL12 9ED 53.10970800 -3.02212600 2 2 331675 357435
LL12 9EE 53.10803900 -3.03010900 18 47 331138 357257
LL12 9EF 53.10947300 -3.02116500 30 78 331739 357408
LL12 9EL 53.11084700 -3.01800000 1 3 331953 357558
LL12 9EN 53.11048800 -3.01809600 3 6 331946 357518
LL12 9EP 53.11150200 -3.01517700 8 14 332143 357628
LL12 9ER 53.10865800 -3.02912200 11 23 331205 357325
LL12 9ES 53.11007100 -3.03934500 10 11 330523 357492
LL12 9ET 53.10984100 -3.03887600 13 30 330554 357466
LL12 9EU 53.11000200 -3.03985100 6 35 330489 357485
LL12 9EW 53.11002900 -3.01614300 4 9 332076 357465
LL12 9EY 53.11013000 -3.04058600 3 4 330440 357500
LL12 9HA 53.11842600 -3.04994600 19 57 329827 358432
LL12 9HB 53.11926600 -3.04642500 1 4 330064 358522
LL12 9HD 53.11664900 -3.06001800 13 36 329150 358244
LL12 9HE 53.11252700 -3.06650500 14 30 328709 357792
LL12 9HF 53.10948700 -3.05565900 5 13 329430 357443
LL12 9HG 53.11265800 -3.05588600 5 9 329420 357796
LL12 9HH 53.11275200 -3.04728300 4 8 329996 357798
LL12 9HL 53.10682800 -3.03911700 5 17 330533 357131
LL12 9HN 53.10796600 -3.03923400 18 38 330527 357258
LL12 9HP 53.10780800 -3.03981300 21 47 330488 357241
LL12 9HR 53.10904600 -3.03939500 6 13 330518 357378
LL12 9HS 53.10672900 -3.03984700 19 56 330484 357121
LL12 9HT 53.10461500 -3.04639800 8 26 330042 356892
LL12 9HU 53.10894800 -3.04130400 28 56 330390 357369
LL12 9HY 53.10847500 -3.04093400 41 84 330414 357316
LL12 9LA 53.10933200 -3.03958100 7 7 330506 357410
LL12 9LB 53.10959800 -3.04206700 7 9 330340 357442
LL12 9LD 53.11043400 -3.04196800 21 47 330348 357535
LL12 9LE 53.10994400 -3.04153800 5 8 330376 357480
LL12 9LF 53.10966200 -3.04081400 4 4 330424 357448
LL12 9LG 53.11064200 -3.04086700 1 1 330422 357557
LL12 9LH 53.11095200 -3.04141300 5 34 330386 357592
LL12 9LL 53.11099300 -3.04086100 12 26 330423 357596
LL12 9LN 53.11272500 -3.04321800 18 39 330268 357791
LL12 9LP 53.11228500 -3.04214700 7 21 330339 357741
LL12 9LR 53.11451500 -3.04517400 10 19 330140 357992
LL12 9LS 53.11390600 -3.04490500 6 14 330157 357924
LL12 9LT 53.11417900 -3.04552500 16 36 330116 357955
LL12 9LU 53.11257100 -3.04433500 37 91 330193 357775
LL12 9LW 53.11170700 -3.04317900 8 15 330269 357678
LL12 9NB 53.12083100 -3.03289500 3 7 330972 358683
LL12 9ND 53.12064200 -3.03220300 3 5 331018 358661
LL12 9NE 53.12030200 -3.03403300 30 68 330895 358625
LL12 9NF 53.11937600 -3.03305400 11 27 330959 358521
LL12 9NG 53.11809100 -3.03402500 N/A N/A 330892 358379
LL12 9NH 53.11895100 -3.03223700 3 52 331013 358473
LL12 9NJ 53.11716500 -3.03712500 30 86 330683 358279
LL12 9NL 53.11501800 -3.03362200 37 83 330914 358037
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