LL12 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL12 9 is a postcode sector in Flintshire, UK. Below is a complete list of LL12 9 Postcodes (Active). LL12 9 postcode sector comprises of 202 active postcodes. LL12 9 sector has a population of 5207, and it has 2153 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL12 9 postcode sector

LL12 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5207
Addresses / Property Count 2153
Active Postcodes 202
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of LL12 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 202 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL12 9NP 53.11212900 -3.03193900 4 13 331022 357714
LL12 9NQ 53.12096800 -3.03392900 32 65 330903 358699
LL12 9NR 53.11763300 -3.03604600 30 78 330756 358330
LL12 9NS 53.11752700 -3.03581900 8 23 330771 358318
LL12 9NT 53.11738500 -3.03450100 9 27 330859 358301
LL12 9NU 53.11718600 -3.03472000 8 19 330844 358279
LL12 9NW 53.11558000 -3.03436800 33 80 330865 358100
LL12 9NX 53.12190700 -3.03449000 41 122 330867 358804
LL12 9NY 53.11658100 -3.03600500 6 15 330757 358213
LL12 9NZ 53.12167300 -3.03635200 16 47 330742 358780
LL12 9PA 53.11649400 -3.03546500 5 16 330793 358203
LL12 9PB 53.11593400 -3.03498900 17 47 330824 358140
LL12 9PD 53.11322400 -3.03130800 38 98 331066 357835
LL12 9PE 53.11453900 -3.03108600 12 23 331083 357981
LL12 9PF 53.11461800 -3.03026600 22 50 331138 357989
LL12 9PG 53.11371200 -3.03202200 30 73 331019 357890
LL12 9PH 53.11702800 -3.03214600 36 90 331016 358259
LL12 9PJ 53.12070000 -3.04094600 8 18 330433 358676
LL12 9PL 53.11540700 -3.03040400 4 9 331130 358077
LL12 9PN 53.11532900 -3.03010400 1 1 331150 358068
LL12 9PP 53.11886600 -3.02310600 2 5 331624 358455
LL12 9PQ 53.11682600 -3.03480100 7 18 330838 358239
LL12 9PR 53.11176600 -3.03354400 18 21 330914 357675
LL12 9PS 53.11882400 -3.03429600 2 7 330875 358461
LL12 9PT 53.12119900 -3.03635600 44 102 330741 358727
LL12 9PU 53.12460700 -3.04039800 3 9 330476 359110
LL12 9PW 53.11587100 -3.02975800 10 21 331174 358128
LL12 9PX 53.12088900 -3.04202600 N/A N/A 330361 358698
LL12 9PY 53.11823700 -3.03483500 12 33 330838 358396
LL12 9PZ 53.12089300 -3.04053200 N/A N/A 330461 358697
LL12 9QA 53.12151900 -3.04089100 N/A N/A 330438 358767
LL12 9RA 53.11783700 -3.03528900 4 10 330807 358352
LL12 9RB 53.11893600 -3.04094800 33 84 330430 358480
LL12 9RE 53.12389900 -3.04005200 6 14 330498 359031
LL12 9RF 53.12677700 -3.03478600 6 12 330855 359346
LL12 9RG 53.12300200 -3.03264800 7 19 330992 358924
LL12 9RH 53.12518100 -3.03331300 14 33 330951 359167
LL12 9RJ 53.11879300 -3.04423200 4 14 330210 358467
LL12 9RL 53.12574200 -3.03048700 2 4 331141 359227
LL12 9RN 53.12812900 -3.02610500 4 10 331438 359488
LL12 9RP 53.12598000 -3.02714500 4 15 331365 359250
LL12 9RQ 53.12472100 -3.03349600 6 23 330938 359116
LL12 9RR 53.12771700 -3.01929600 3 7 331893 359436
LL12 9RS 53.12790900 -3.02033100 1 2 331824 359458
LL12 9RT 53.12053900 -3.01491200 11 28 332175 358633
LL12 9RU 53.11384300 -3.01795100 6 11 331961 357891
LL12 9RW 53.12901700 -3.03038600 7 24 331153 359591
LL12 9RY 53.11335200 -3.01617700 2 5 332079 357835
LL12 9SA 53.11332300 -3.01640000 1 1 332064 357832
LL12 9SB 53.11146400 -3.01965800 6 16 331843 357628
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