LL65 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL65 1 is a postcode sector in Isle of Anglesey, UK. Below is a complete list of LL65 1 Postcodes (Active). LL65 1 postcode sector comprises of 205 active postcodes. LL65 1 sector has a population of 5454, and it has 2514 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL65 1 postcode sector

LL65 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5454
Addresses / Property Count 2514
Active Postcodes 205
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LL65 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 205 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL65 1EB 53.31415800 -4.63172100 3 8 224779 382922
LL65 1ED 53.31300600 -4.63134900 13 35 224799 382793
LL65 1EE 53.31363100 -4.63073800 34 41 224842 382861
LL65 1EF 53.31346800 -4.63041200 5 6 224863 382842
LL65 1EG 53.31421300 -4.63128400 4 7 224808 382927
LL65 1EH 53.31399100 -4.63034000 24 46 224870 382900
LL65 1EN 53.31431500 -4.62909800 6 13 224954 382933
LL65 1EP 53.31447300 -4.63046400 5 9 224864 382954
LL65 1ER 53.31484300 -4.63123300 15 39 224814 382997
LL65 1ES 53.31539000 -4.63208200 6 11 224760 383060
LL65 1ET 53.31556500 -4.63316900 6 13 224688 383082
LL65 1EU 53.31464600 -4.63241100 28 60 224735 382978
LL65 1EW 53.31475300 -4.62960600 6 12 224922 382983
LL65 1EY 53.31497600 -4.63295300 12 27 224700 383016
LL65 1FA 53.31345100 -4.63154200 6 10 224788 382843
LL65 1HA 53.31460800 -4.63332000 11 30 224674 382976
LL65 1HB 53.31413700 -4.63309600 8 17 224687 382923
LL65 1HG 53.31163200 -4.63291600 7 11 224689 382644
LL65 1HH 53.31179600 -4.63321200 N/A N/A 224670 382663
LL65 1HL 53.31258900 -4.63311000 10 12 224680 382751
LL65 1HN 53.31365900 -4.63315700 N/A N/A 224681 382870
LL65 1HP 53.31349600 -4.63359700 43 88 224651 382853
LL65 1HR 53.31431600 -4.63477400 34 71 224576 382947
LL65 1HS 53.31540800 -4.63415000 2 3 224622 383067
LL65 1HT 53.31496900 -4.63368800 24 44 224651 383017
LL65 1HU 53.31512100 -4.63533400 8 9 224542 383038
LL65 1HW 53.31414300 -4.63359600 2 6 224654 382925
LL65 1HY 53.31376500 -4.63570100 46 122 224512 382888
LL65 1LA 53.31335800 -4.63495500 18 44 224560 382841
LL65 1LB 53.31549300 -4.63517700 15 37 224554 383079
LL65 1LE 53.30963000 -4.64861200 48 111 223635 382460
LL65 1LF 53.31097300 -4.65252300 22 48 223380 382619
LL65 1LG 53.31107900 -4.64975200 18 51 223565 382624
LL65 1LH 53.31173600 -4.65012300 38 70 223543 382698
LL65 1LJ 53.31167500 -4.65408300 11 13 223279 382701
LL65 1LL 53.31181900 -4.65164500 42 96 223442 382711
LL65 1LN 53.31131100 -4.64819500 N/A N/A 223670 382646
LL65 1LP 53.31156900 -4.65763500 32 64 223042 382698
LL65 1LR 53.31140600 -4.65609300 11 27 223144 382676
LL65 1LS 53.31240300 -4.65529900 14 34 223201 382785
LL65 1LT 53.31231600 -4.64911300 15 32 223613 382760
LL65 1LW 53.30968600 -4.65132200 2 4 223455 382473
LL65 1LX 53.31081900 -4.65779800 10 30 223028 382615
LL65 1LY 53.31304900 -4.65136100 17 28 223466 382847
LL65 1LZ 53.31340700 -4.65380500 17 52 223305 382893
LL65 1NA 53.31226800 -4.63993200 3 8 224224 382732
LL65 1NB 53.31155500 -4.63439300 14 25 224590 382639
LL65 1ND 53.31086800 -4.63491100 2 8 224553 382564
LL65 1NE 53.31120400 -4.63480700 5 6 224561 382601
LL65 1NF 53.31182800 -4.65448300 24 63 223253 382719
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