LL65 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL65 1 is a postcode sector in Isle of Anglesey, UK. Below is a complete list of LL65 1 Postcodes (Active). LL65 1 postcode sector comprises of 205 active postcodes. LL65 1 sector has a population of 5454, and it has 2514 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL65 1 postcode sector

LL65 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5454
Addresses / Property Count 2514
Active Postcodes 205
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LL65 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 100-150 of 205 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL65 1NG 53.31207800 -4.63429000 7 8 224599 382697
LL65 1NH 53.31143900 -4.63554700 40 123 224513 382629
LL65 1NJ 53.31079700 -4.63695900 14 17 224416 382561
LL65 1NL 53.31066800 -4.63827700 20 56 224328 382550
LL65 1NN 53.31036400 -4.63902300 3 10 224277 382518
LL65 1NP 53.31133900 -4.63968000 N/A N/A 224237 382628
LL65 1NQ 53.31145500 -4.64494600 N/A N/A 223887 382654
LL65 1NR 53.31059900 -4.64182600 20 55 224091 382551
LL65 1NS 53.31050500 -4.64279600 6 45 224026 382543
LL65 1NT 53.31085100 -4.64381300 8 12 223960 382584
LL65 1NU 53.31096500 -4.64600700 N/A N/A 223814 382602
LL65 1NW 53.30937200 -4.64445200 70 162 223911 382421
LL65 1NX 53.31002000 -4.64030800 N/A N/A 224190 382483
LL65 1NY 53.31011600 -4.63926300 N/A N/A 224260 382491
LL65 1NZ 53.31202100 -4.64498100 N/A N/A 223887 382717
LL65 1PA 53.31070500 -4.64833800 6 13 223658 382579
LL65 1PB 53.30930500 -4.64620900 21 45 223794 382418
LL65 1PD 53.30827900 -4.64708700 5 21 223731 382306
LL65 1PE 53.30914800 -4.64726100 10 18 223723 382403
LL65 1PF 53.31090400 -4.64669400 6 11 223768 382597
LL65 1PG 53.31070700 -4.64747700 12 21 223715 382577
LL65 1PH 53.31206400 -4.64061000 16 43 224178 382711
LL65 1PJ 53.31095800 -4.64713300 10 20 223739 382604
LL65 1PL 53.31265700 -4.63944600 5 12 224258 382774
LL65 1PN 53.31245800 -4.63826200 49 109 224336 382749
LL65 1PP 53.31205700 -4.63526500 15 32 224534 382697
LL65 1PQ 53.31025200 -4.64690900 1 4 223751 382525
LL65 1PR 53.31254900 -4.63577600 25 41 224502 382753
LL65 1PS 53.31314600 -4.63684900 20 53 224433 382822
LL65 1PT 53.31373300 -4.63754500 4 10 224389 382889
LL65 1PU 53.31345700 -4.63739300 6 21 224398 382858
LL65 1PW 53.31345400 -4.63836900 12 26 224333 382860
LL65 1PX 53.30946700 -4.64705500 4 13 223738 382438
LL65 1PY 53.31292900 -4.63731600 16 16 224401 382799
LL65 1PZ 53.30852900 -4.64596100 14 18 223807 382331
LL65 1QA 53.31074700 -4.64527300 N/A N/A 223862 382576
LL65 1QB 53.30817400 -4.64492300 N/A N/A 223875 382289
LL65 1RA 53.30982300 -4.63665900 N/A N/A 224432 382452
LL65 1RB 53.31291600 -4.63582800 22 25 224500 382794
LL65 1RD 53.31243800 -4.63673000 38 66 224438 382743
LL65 1RE 53.30840400 -4.63780200 23 25 224350 382297
LL65 1RF 53.30945300 -4.63794200 21 36 224345 382414
LL65 1RJ 53.30895100 -4.63744600 12 12 224376 382357
LL65 1RN 53.31063900 -4.63393200 11 14 224617 382536
LL65 1RR 53.31003200 -4.63449900 29 55 224577 382470
LL65 1RS 53.31083400 -4.63606000 14 33 224476 382563
LL65 1RT 53.31067100 -4.63533000 7 7 224524 382543
LL65 1RU 53.31021700 -4.63672800 18 33 224429 382496
LL65 1RW 53.31087000 -4.63403600 8 15 224611 382562
LL65 1SA 53.30963000 -4.63604600 28 56 224472 382429
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