LL65 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL65 4 is a postcode sector in Isle of Anglesey, UK. Below is a complete list of LL65 4 Postcodes (Active). LL65 4 postcode sector comprises of 192 active postcodes. LL65 4 sector has a population of 3470, and it has 1425 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL65 4 postcode sector

LL65 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3470
Addresses / Property Count 1425
Active Postcodes 192
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LL65 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 192 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL65 4EJ 53.36948400 -4.53152200 8 15 231671 388834
LL65 4EL 53.37331300 -4.53706700 N/A N/A 231317 389273
LL65 4EN 53.37456500 -4.53947700 1 1 231162 389418
LL65 4EP 53.37777100 -4.54264000 2 5 230964 389782
LL65 4EQ 53.36901400 -4.53332300 6 15 231549 388786
LL65 4ER 53.37643800 -4.55158600 6 12 230364 389655
LL65 4ES 53.37305900 -4.55106400 7 14 230385 389278
LL65 4ET 53.37170700 -4.55376900 5 8 230200 389134
LL65 4EU 53.37189200 -4.55476800 N/A N/A 230134 389157
LL65 4EW 53.39730200 -4.56061200 1 1 229847 391997
LL65 4EY 53.36906800 -4.54935200 9 18 230483 388830
LL65 4HA 53.36835800 -4.55395900 10 13 230174 388762
LL65 4HB 53.36402400 -4.55105000 5 12 230350 388273
LL65 4HD 53.35948100 -4.55996600 3 6 229739 387789
LL65 4HH 53.36034900 -4.52643600 4 10 231973 387806
LL65 4HL 53.36377300 -4.51841700 6 16 232520 388168
LL65 4HN 53.36310000 -4.50510500 4 10 233403 388062
LL65 4HP 53.37118800 -4.51087700 9 31 233051 388975
LL65 4HR 53.37253100 -4.50859000 7 18 233208 389119
LL65 4HS 53.37281200 -4.50760000 4 11 233275 389148
LL65 4HT 53.37031000 -4.51412700 23 60 232831 388885
LL65 4HU 53.37462400 -4.51719800 2 5 232644 389372
LL65 4HY 53.37365200 -4.52871800 2 5 231874 389291
LL65 4LA 53.37361000 -4.53198800 3 7 231656 389294
LL65 4LB 53.37614200 -4.52833400 11 26 231909 389567
LL65 4LD 53.37847200 -4.51892400 5 11 232544 389804
LL65 4LE 53.37919000 -4.51471100 N/A N/A 232827 389874
LL65 4LF 53.38310900 -4.51304700 3 6 232953 390306
LL65 4LG 53.38407800 -4.52083400 5 14 232439 390432
LL65 4LH 53.38832500 -4.51771600 1 3 232663 390897
LL65 4LL 53.39132300 -4.52219500 12 32 232377 391241
LL65 4LN 53.38933100 -4.52625800 9 22 232099 391029
LL65 4LP 53.39451400 -4.53960700 3 5 231232 391637
LL65 4LR 53.40038700 -4.54456500 6 14 230926 392302
LL65 4LS 53.38874400 -4.55043800 5 9 230489 391021
LL65 4LT 53.38063500 -4.54790800 3 6 230625 390113
LL65 4LU 53.38446200 -4.53790000 1 6 231306 390515
LL65 4LW 53.38987800 -4.52672700 23 53 232070 391091
LL65 4LY 53.39210600 -4.53699700 7 16 231396 391363
LL65 4NE 53.32187400 -4.52777100 2 4 231733 383530
LL65 4NF 53.32614800 -4.52253700 7 22 232098 383993
LL65 4NG 53.32725300 -4.51620400 3 9 232524 384101
LL65 4NH 53.33468800 -4.52896500 8 20 231704 384958
LL65 4NL 53.34484800 -4.52641100 13 31 231914 386082
LL65 4NN 53.35224500 -4.52824100 4 11 231821 386909
LL65 4NP 53.35214900 -4.53447100 1 2 231406 386913
LL65 4NR 53.35257000 -4.53580400 1 3 231319 386963
LL65 4NS 53.35213900 -4.53578400 1 1 231319 386915
LL65 4NT 53.35226700 -4.53610100 6 13 231298 386930
LL65 4NU 53.35258000 -4.53790800 37 93 231179 386969
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