LL65 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL65 4 is a postcode sector in Isle of Anglesey, UK. Below is a complete list of LL65 4 Postcodes (Active). LL65 4 postcode sector comprises of 192 active postcodes. LL65 4 sector has a population of 3470, and it has 1425 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL65 4 postcode sector

LL65 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3470
Addresses / Property Count 1425
Active Postcodes 192
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LL65 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 150-192 of 192 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL65 4SU 53.25564200 -4.41120400 12 19 239247 375895
LL65 4SW 53.25865900 -4.41760600 3 9 238831 376245
LL65 4TA 53.29663100 -4.45180700 9 20 236695 380546
LL65 4TB 53.29902200 -4.46401600 1 2 235891 380840
LL65 4TD 53.30360200 -4.44818400 4 9 236963 381313
LL65 4TE 53.30611400 -4.45408200 2 7 236580 381606
LL65 4TF 53.31436800 -4.45980500 1 3 236230 382537
LL65 4TG 53.32216000 -4.46387200 1 4 235989 383413
LL65 4TH 53.32211400 -4.46867500 1 5 235669 383419
LL65 4TL 53.32376300 -4.46372500 3 5 236005 383591
LL65 4TN 53.32389800 -4.45453200 7 14 236618 383585
LL65 4TP 53.31342400 -4.47324800 9 22 235331 382463
LL65 4TR 53.31298500 -4.48574300 5 13 234497 382443
LL65 4TS 53.30617400 -4.48722400 7 16 234372 381689
LL65 4TW 53.33115900 -4.45168500 13 44 236835 384386
LL65 4TY 53.30130000 -4.43943700 5 12 237537 381037
LL65 4UA 53.29727600 -4.41842700 3 10 238922 380542
LL65 4UE 53.30982400 -4.52828400 5 12 231651 382191
LL65 4UF 53.31067400 -4.53016600 24 47 231529 382290
LL65 4UG 53.31076200 -4.52898500 9 28 231608 382297
LL65 4UH 53.31165500 -4.53013400 3 4 231535 382399
LL65 4UL 53.31208400 -4.52981400 5 8 231558 382446
LL65 4UN 53.31213700 -4.53115900 7 15 231469 382455
LL65 4UP 53.31366600 -4.53196500 17 33 231421 382627
LL65 4UR 53.31138300 -4.53405100 10 38 231273 382378
LL65 4UT 53.31423200 -4.53154800 12 29 231451 382689
LL65 4UU 53.31510600 -4.53488700 13 31 231232 382794
LL65 4UW 53.31237600 -4.53088200 10 31 231488 382481
LL65 4UY 53.31704900 -4.53311600 7 19 231358 383006
LL65 4UZ 53.31681700 -4.53263700 N/A N/A 231389 382979
LL65 4YA 53.31759600 -4.53785800 3 12 231044 383078
LL65 4YB 53.32200200 -4.53699300 14 32 231119 383566
LL65 4YD 53.32082500 -4.54201400 5 13 230780 383447
LL65 4YE 53.32162800 -4.56371500 6 11 229338 383588
LL65 4YF 53.32565100 -4.55182200 6 12 230146 384007
LL65 4YG 53.32575700 -4.56695700 14 41 229139 384055
LL65 4YH 53.33222100 -4.57448000 1 1 228664 384792
LL65 4YL 53.33055600 -4.55115400 18 44 230210 384551
LL65 4YN 53.33750500 -4.54446300 1 2 230683 385308
LL65 4YP 53.30921900 -4.55620600 2 7 229789 382190
LL65 4YR 53.31367100 -4.53044800 17 35 231522 382624
LL65 4YW 53.34218300 -4.54393100 8 16 230737 385827
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