NP20 5 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP20 5 is a postcode sector in Newport, UK. Below is a complete list of NP20 5 Postcodes (Active). NP20 5 postcode sector comprises of 206 active postcodes. NP20 5 sector has a population of 9495, and it has 4274 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP20 5 postcode sector

NP20 5 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9495
Addresses / Property Count 4274
Active Postcodes 206
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of NP20 5 Postcode Sector

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showing 50-100 of 206 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP20 5DT 51.59152100 -3.00467400 20 65 330498 188553
NP20 5DU 51.59116100 -3.00582100 38 78 330418 188514
NP20 5DW 51.58852500 -3.01749800 8 10 329605 188232
NP20 5DX 51.59219400 -3.01323500 73 165 329906 188636
NP20 5DY 51.58790200 -3.01882700 13 28 329512 188164
NP20 5DZ 51.59044500 -3.00019000 N/A N/A 330807 188429
NP20 5EA 51.59173000 -3.00756600 30 65 330298 188579
NP20 5EB 51.59288200 -3.00961300 31 62 330158 188709
NP20 5ED 51.59190200 -3.00960500 41 109 330157 188600
NP20 5EE 51.59265200 -3.01119500 18 38 330048 188685
NP20 5EF 51.59351100 -3.01172000 26 60 330013 188781
NP20 5EG 51.59419600 -3.01045000 15 38 330102 188856
NP20 5EH 51.59491400 -3.01068300 28 70 330087 188936
NP20 5EJ 51.59823400 -3.01978000 12 34 329462 189314
NP20 5EL 51.59007100 -3.02580400 5 12 329032 188412
NP20 5EN 51.59638600 -3.00468100 25 52 330505 189094
NP20 5EP 51.59667500 -3.00556800 14 29 330444 189127
NP20 5EQ 51.59523700 -3.00553600 20 42 330444 188967
NP20 5ER 51.59471100 -3.00605800 28 81 330407 188909
NP20 5ES 51.58616200 -3.03090400 N/A N/A 328673 187982
NP20 5ET 51.59424300 -3.00916600 15 41 330191 188860
NP20 5EU 51.59031200 -3.01143200 N/A N/A 330028 188425
NP20 5EW 51.59026600 -3.01074400 N/A N/A 330076 188419
NP20 5EX 51.59031400 -3.01143800 N/A N/A 330028 188425
NP20 5EZ 51.59623300 -3.00153000 5 7 330723 189074
NP20 5FA 51.59246900 -2.99813300 1 2 330953 188652
NP20 5FB 51.59187600 -2.99900900 30 81 330891 188587
NP20 5FD 51.59129000 -2.99918400 23 51 330878 188522
NP20 5FE 51.59245400 -2.99965700 8 13 330847 188652
NP20 5FF 51.59372900 -2.99994500 24 55 330829 188794
NP20 5FG 51.59425400 -3.00057700 35 90 330786 188853
NP20 5FJ 51.59623500 -3.00020200 43 99 330815 189073
NP20 5FL 51.59628600 -2.99949600 7 15 330864 189078
NP20 5FN 51.59591400 -3.00093100 18 35 330764 189038
NP20 5FP 51.59562300 -3.00156600 2 5 330720 189006
NP20 5FQ 51.59646200 -3.00103000 29 70 330758 189099
NP20 5FR 51.59701600 -3.00141700 24 58 330732 189161
NP20 5FS 51.59566200 -3.00205200 44 118 330686 189011
NP20 5FT 51.59579100 -3.00276200 26 42 330637 189026
NP20 5FU 51.59614800 -3.00307300 33 81 330616 189066
NP20 5FW 51.59559200 -3.00388400 27 60 330559 189005
NP20 5FX 51.59620200 -3.00414200 8 23 330542 189073
NP20 5FY 51.59677400 -3.00341900 26 56 330593 189136
NP20 5FZ 51.59694300 -3.00574700 15 29 330432 189157
NP20 5GA 51.59812000 -3.00588800 3 6 330424 189288
NP20 5GB 51.59706200 -3.00661600 12 23 330372 189171
NP20 5GD 51.59640900 -3.00830500 32 56 330254 189100
NP20 5GE 51.59706100 -3.00769900 24 47 330297 189172
NP20 5GF 51.59556900 -3.00970100 18 33 330156 189008
NP20 5GG 51.59584300 -3.00823500 28 61 330258 189037
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